
发布 2022-08-03 12:56:28 阅读 1014






第一部分听力挑战 ( 共20 分)

. 听句子,选择与所听内容相符的**。(每个句子读一遍)(5分)

. 听对话,选择正确答案。(每段对话读两遍)(5分)

)6. how are they going there?

a. by train. b. by bus. c. on foot.

)7. how long will it take them to get to hainan?

a. over 3 hours. b. over 2 hours. c. over 5 hours.

)8. how far is it from tom’s home to school?

a. about twelve kilometers. b. five days. c. very far.

)9. what’s the weather like in sanya?

a. sunnyb. windyc. rainy.

)10. how does the boy’s father go to work every day?

a. he drives his car. b. he rides his bike. c. he takes a bus.

. 听长对话,选择正确答案。(每段对话读两遍)。(10分)


)11. how does bob get to school?

a. by busb. by bikec. on foot.

)12. how long does it take gina to get to school?

a. about 10 minutes. b. about 15 minutes. c. about 20 minutes.


)13. what time does the boy get up?

a. at six o’clock. b. at seven o’clock. c. at half past seven.

)14. which bus does the boy take?

a. the no. 2 bus. b. the no. 3 bus. c. the no. 4 bus.

)15. how long does it take the boy to get to school?

a. about twenty minutes. b. about thirty minutes.

c. about forty minutes.



) 16. —you sing the english songyes, i can.

a. can b. may c. must d. need

) 17. bill likes playing __basketball, but he doesn’t like playing __piano.

a. the, the b./,the c. thed. /

) 18. miss smith is good __music. she can be good __children in the music club.

a. at; with b. with; with c. at; at d. with; at

)19. can you help me __my homework?

a. for b. at c. with d. in

) 20. lookboy is crying over there.

a. a 8-year-oldb. an 8-year-old

c. a 8-years oldd. an 8-years old

) 21. tom can't chinese, but he can chinese kung fu.

a. speak, do b. do, do c. do, speak d. say, play

) 22. cindy likes music, so she wants __the music club.

a. join b. to join c. to go d. go

) 23. for many students, it’s easy __school.

a. get b. get to c. to get d. to get to

)24. she always does __homework when she __

a. one’s; gets homeb. her; gets to home

c. one’s; gets to home d. her; gets home

)25. do you usually go to school___bike or __foot?

a. by; by b. on; by c. by; on d. on; in

)26. _does it take you __to work from your home every day?

a. how long; ride b. how long; to ride

c. when; ride d. when; to ride

)27. he usually gets up __six __the morning.

a. at; on b. at; in c. on; in d. in; on

)28. —do you __this new book? —it’s interesting.

a. what; likeb. how; think of

c. what; think of d. how about; think

)29. my english teacher is nice. she is like my mother __me.

a. tob. for c. with d. of

) zhang is my geography teacher. he __us geography.

a. teaches b. watches c. loves d. finishes

)31. i’m sorry i can’t go with you. i h**e___homework to do.

a. lots of b. a pair of c. a set of d. lot of

)32. —does anna h**e ayes, she __at a bookstore.

a. work; worksb. work; jobs

c. job; worksd. job; jobs

)33. the apples __good. he likes __

a. tastes; themb. tastes; it

c. taste; themd. taste; it

)34. it takes me fifteen minutes __from my home to the bus station.


语文七年级下册第二单元综合检测题。时间 120分钟满分 120分 一 基础知识 24分 一 选择题。14分,每题2分 1 加点字注音完全正确的一组是 a.气魄p 扮演b n 澎湃b i 哽住g ng b.哺育f 惩罚ch ng 懊悔 o 逼狭xi c.屏障 p ng 山巅di n 滋长z 炽痛ch ...


a 1,1 b 1,2 c 2,1 d 2,2 9 已知三角形的三个顶点坐标分别是 1,4 1,1 4,1 现将。这三个点先向右平移2个单位长度,再向上平移3个单位长度,则平移后。三个顶点的坐标是 a 1,7 3,4 2,2 b 1,7 4,3 2,2 c 1,7 3,4 2,2 d 1,7 3,3...


1 现代类人猿和人类的共同祖先是 a.类人猿 b.长尾猴c.黑猩猩 d.森林古猿。2 青春期是从童年到成年的过渡阶段,主要是指 a 身高和体重迅速增加 b 内脏器官的功能健全。c 第二性征的出现d 官开始发育到成熟的阶段。3 用米饭和炸肉给狗喂食,一段时间后,从胃的幽门 胃下端 处引流出部分食糜,其...