
发布 2022-08-02 19:40:28 阅读 7002

unit 1

1. study for

2. what about doing sth.

3. listening/speaking/reading/writing skills

4. too…to 太…而不能…

5. voice嗓音 noise噪音。

6. 的:(1)of 所属关系,用于无生命前。

(2)’s 名词所有格,用于有生命物后。

7. practice doing sth.

8. suggestions(可数) advice(不可数)

9. watching sth.

+ n. +adj.

excited about sth./doing sth.

… at all 一点儿也不 not at all 没关系。

up doing sth.


mistakes in

+ n. +adj.使…怎么样。

to/with sb.

don’t you→why not

eg.–why don't you join an english language club to pratice speaking english?

–why not join an english language club to pratice speaking english?

+ to do (to do :后置定语) to do 修饰 n.

eg. i don’t h**e a partner to pratice english with. (with不可省)

of all=at first=to begin with

+ adj. +for sb.+ to do sth.

afraid to do sth.

at sb.

doing sth.

of + the + adj.最高级 + n.复数。

trouble/problems/difficulty doing sth. =h**e a hard time doing sth.

(1) join in + 活动/比赛/游戏。

(2)join the party(入党) /the lengue(入团) join + sb. join + 政党/组织/团体。

with = do with

how … deal with what … do with


with 与…相处。

angry with

sb. doing sth.

a problem → answer a question

is one’s duty to do sth.

a as b

strict with sb. in sth.

… into…

the help of = with one’s help

one’s best to do sth.

for long (持续) the rains has lasted for days

unit 2

1. used to: (1) used to do sth.① used to be ( adj./n.)

there used to be

2) be used to doing sth.习惯于做……

3) be used to do sth. ↘

4) be used for doing sth.→ 被用来做…

5) used to h**e ( n.)

2. afraid : 1) be afraid of sb./sth. (n./代词))

2) be afraid of doing sth.

3) be afraid to do sth.

afraid 可用 terrified 来替换。

3. what do you look like → 外表 what are you like → 性格。

4. over here = come over = come here

5. wait a minute = wait a moment

6. with … on/off/open/close

7. i used to dislike… i didn’t used to like

8. spend doing sth.

9. not … anymore

+ +in the last few years

doing sth.

to do sth. …but now…

+ n. +adj.

it long

导致) cause cancer

boy (-的 )

to do sth. =pay for

… as one can

into trouble with sb.

last = finally

… to…one’s surprise

longer 不再。

pride in …

pride→proud be proud of

… attention to do sth.

+ adj. +for sb. +to do sth.


able to

up doing sth.

thatwell as she could as well as possible

a great interest in…

longer , not … any longer

doesn’t live here any longer.

he no longer waited because he had something else to do.

unit 3

1. get one’s ears pierced

2. get + n. +使…被… ,请别人干…)

be allowed to do sth.

3. allow → allow do sth.

allow doing sth.

be not allowed to do sth.

4. cut one’s hair

5. stop: (1) stop doing sth.停止正在做的事。

(2)stop to do sth.停下手头所做的事情,去做另一件事

(3)stop sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事。

(4)can’t stop doing sth. 忍不住做某事。

6. seem to do sth.

7. instead of doing sth.

8. at that age 在那个年纪。

9. be home 到家。

+ sth. +v.-ed 使某事被做;请某人做某事。

(adv./adj.) 1) adj./adv. +enough

2) enough + n.

(1) 用作情态动词时,同can may must一样,后面跟动词原形。构成否定句时,不借助于助动词 do ,而采用 need not (needn’t)的形式;构成疑问句时,直接将 need 提至句首。

(2) need 作实义动词时,后面跟着带to 的不定式。构成否定句和疑问句时,直接借助于助动词 do ,这种用法既可以用于肯定句,也可以用于否定句和疑问句。

+ 助动词/be 动词/情态动词 + 主语 (…也一样)

up 熬夜。

strict with sb. in sth.

+ n. +adj.

… and … 两个都;既……又……

neither … nor … 或者…或者…

an opportunity to do sth.

h**e a chance of doing sth.

… on … 全神贯注于…

经历(可数) 经验(不可数)

the reason = why

: need to do sth. need doing sth.

time to do = spend doing

(1)tired → rest


2)asleep→fall asleep

off(休息日)= h**e + 时间段 + off (休…息)

to = answer

in the way of… /be in the way 妨碍。


试卷总分 70分考试时间 50分钟 一 本题包括18小题,每题2分,共36分。每小题只有一个选项符合题意。1.下列水的变化中,能证明水分子可分的事实是。a.水的沸腾b.冰雪融化 c.海水蒸馏淡化 d.水的电解。2.下列用水方法中,会造成浪费的是。a 用口杯接水刷牙 b 为了节约时间,一两件衣服就用洗...


一 选择题 每小题只有一个正确答案,请将正确答案的序号填在括号内 1 具备基本的化学实验技能是进行化学 活动的基础和保证,同时也反映了实验者的化学学科素养,以下实验操作正确的是 2 下列诗句包含化学变化的是。a 气蒸云梦泽,波撼岳阳城。望洞庭湖赠张丞相 b 欲渡黄河冰塞川,将登太行雪满山。行路难 c...


第一单元。1 化学是在分子 原子层次上研究物质的性质 组成 结构 变化规律的科学。物质是由原子和分子构成,道尔顿和阿伏伽德罗创立,奠定了近代化学的基础。门捷列夫发现元素周期表。物理性质包括颜色 状态 气味 硬度 密度 熔点 沸点 溶解性 挥发性 导电性导热性等。化学性质包括可燃性 助燃性 氧化性 还...