
发布 2022-08-02 01:02:28 阅读 7531

1. dance to the music跟着**跳舞


prefer sth更喜欢…;

i prefer summer to winter.和冬季相比我更喜欢夏季。

prefer doing to doing… 与…相比更喜欢… ;

i prefer swimming to skating. 与滑冰相比我更喜欢游泳。

prefer to do rather than (to) do宁可/宁愿…而不…

i prefer to stay home rather than go out to play.我宁可呆在家里也不愿出去玩。

would rather do sth than do sth宁可/宁愿…而不…

i would rather die than steal。我宁愿死也不愿去盗窃。

3. quiet and gentle music轻柔的**

4. a kind of 一种… different kinds of 不同种类的…

5. remind“提醒;使记起,使想起”:

remind + of sth/sb;

remind + that从句 ;

remind sth.

the pictures remind me of my school days. 这些**使我想起了我的学生时代。

remind 宾语从句

i remind him that he must go home before dark.我提醒他天黑前必须回家。

remind do sth.做某事来提醒某人 can you remind me to wake me up at 6 o’clock? 你能在6点钟叫醒我来提醒我吗?

6.动名词作宾语句型:enjoy doing喜欢做;finish doing做完;give up doing放弃做;practice doing练习做;mind doing介意做;miss doing错过做;feel like doing想要做

with和…一道,连同… 一起

i love music that i can sing along with.我喜欢能够一起唱歌的**。

的用法:i like the cd called heart strings. (被叫做)

this is the boy called tom.(被叫做)

the boy called mary.(给…打**)

we can call him xiao ming.(叫作,称作)

do you think of… ?how do you like…? 你认为…怎么样?

--what do you think of it? -i enjoy it a lot.

door neighbor隔壁邻居

be sb doing

there must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood.


12. be sure to do sth 一定要做某事。

13.one of +the+形容词最高级+名词复数最…的…之一。

the building is one of the tallest ones in the city.

14. some of +名词复数一些…

15. on display= on show 展览。

16. a photo of … 一张…的**。

17. whatever…=no matter what… 无论什么。

whatever (no matter what) will happen, don’t be afraid.

18. a musical group 一支乐队。

19. come and go 来来回回,反反复复。

20. make sb/sth+形容词/名词使某人/某物(成为)……make the street clean

21. go on vacation 去度假。

22. get together 聚在一起。

23. stay healthy 保持健康。

24. to be honest 坦白地说。

25. too much food 太多的食物。

26. fast food 快餐。

27. take care of = look after 照顾,照料。

28. stay away from 与…保持距离。

please stay away from the machine.

29. be in agreement 与…意见一致。

30. be good for 对…有好处 →(反义词组)be bad for 对…有害。

31. some types of …一些种类的…

32. in oil 用油。

33. the risk of… …的风险。

34. even if 即使=although = even) though

i like the music, even if it is too loud.

35. not at all = not…in the slightest 一点也不。

36. it is +形容词+to do sth =to do sth is +形容词做某事……(怎么样)

it’s important to eat balanced diets.= to eat balanced diets is important.

37. a balanced diet 均衡饮食。

38. mind doing sth 介意做某事。

do you mind my smoking?

39. be shocked by 对…感到吃惊。

i am shocked by his deeds.


go through your plan before you make a decision.在决定之前先仔细看一下你的计划。


1 care for关怀,照顾。2 pull down摧毁,推翻3 bemadefrom 制成 看不出原材料 4 be like像 5 be endangered濒临灭绝的。6 how big多大。7 ten feet long十英尺长。8 used to 过去常常。9 try to do sth尽...


九年级第七单元词组。1.允许他们选自己的服装2.取得驾照3.担心你的安全4.打耳洞5.足够谨慎6.理发。7.停止戴耳环8.似乎有很多朋友9.需要时间写作业10有关 兴奋11.拍照。12.使用闪光灯13.保护油画14.在田地里奔跑15.确保。16.让我远离危险17.受伤18.拥抱19.把她举起20.咳...


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