
发布 2022-08-02 01:01:28 阅读 4866

1. achieve one’s dream=realize one’s dream =make one’s dream come true实现梦想。

2. take after =look like= be like =be similar to 与… 相似。

3. come up with =think of=think up 想出。

4. on display=on show 陈列,展览 cheer up =make sb happy 使…高兴起来。

5. by the time =when 当…时候 at last=finally =in the end 最后。

6. establish=start=set up =found建立 anxious=worried焦虑的。

7. get on well with =be good with 与某某相处得好。

8. let sb down =make sb disappointed =make sb frustrated使某某失望。

9. right now =now =at the moment 此刻,现在。

10. right now=at once=right away=in a moment =in a minute立刻,马上。

11. reach sw=get to sw=arrive in /at sw到达某地。

12. give up doing sth =stop doing sth 停止干某事。

13. rather than=instead of 而不是 fix up =mend =repair修理。

14. hand out=give out分发 be terrified of =be afraid of 害怕。

15. bother sb=trouble sb打扰某人 annoy sb=make sb angry使某人生气。

16. prefer sth to sth =like sth better than sth喜欢 … 胜过 …

17. named =called =with the name of叫做。

18. decide to do sth =make a decision to do sth =make up one’s mind to do sth决定干某事。

19. call sb =ring sb =call sb up =ring sb up=give sb a call/ring=make a telephone call to sb


20. well-known=famous著名的 be supposed to =should=ought to 应该。

21. so far =up to now =by now=till now=until now到目前为止。

22. return to sw =come/go back to sw 返回某地 return sth to sb =give sth back to sb


23. several =some =a few一些,几个 with one’s help =with the help of在…的帮助下。

24. be/get excited about doing sth =be excited to do sth 对干某某感到兴奋。

25. get angry =get annoyed生气 escape =run/get away=flee逃离。

26. follow=understand=catch理解跟随follow=go after

27. solve the problem=work out /deal with /the problem解决难题。

28. h**e a conversation/talk /with sb=talk with sb

29. succeed in doing sth =be successful in doing sth 干某某成功。

30. drop by sw/sb=come over to sw/sb顺便来访。

31. close to =next to 靠近 give sb a hand =help sb=do sb a f**or 帮助某人。

32. it’s a piece of cake =it’s easy

33. send for a doctor =ask the doctor to come派人去请医生。

34. buy /make sb sth =buy /make sth for sb fetch sb sth =fetch sth for sb fetch =go and bring

35. see sb off=say goodbye to sb为某人送行。

36. without permission=unless you are allowed未经允许。

37. enjoy /like doing sth=be fond of doing sth喜爱干某事。

38. break down=be broken=not work =stop working坏了。

39. for example =for instance例如。

40. at times =sometimes=once in a while有时。

41. two more =another two

42. someday=one day=sooner or later将来某一天。

43. regard… as =consider/h**e /take/treat …as 把…看做…

44. more than =over超过,多余 in the end =at last =finally最后,45. look out =watch out =be careful=take care当心。

46. care for=look after =take care of 照顾,照看。

47. take part in =join in参加 such as =like

48. keep healthy =stay healthy=keep/stay fit=keep in good health 保持健康。

49. thanks to =because of =with the help of

50. by chance =by accident偶然,意外。

51. alone =by oneself= all by oneself actually =in fact

52. be afraid of =b e terrified ofchase= run after

53. answer the question =reply to the question

54. wonder =want to know

55. laugh at =make fun ofbe fine=be well=be ok

56. be from=come frombe in=be at home

57. .be full of=be filled withbe late for=come late for

58. .be on a visit to= visit

59. be able to=can 能够,会be away=be out

60. be busy doing sth.=be busy with sth.

61. .be pleased=be glad=be happy be pleased with =be satisfied with

62. do well in=be good atdo the shopping=go shopping

63. h**e a good time=enjoy oneself =h**e fun

64. .fall down=fall offgo to sleep=get to sleep=fall asleep

65. .h**e a look (at)=look at

66. .hear from=receive a letter from=h**e a letter from=get a letter from

67. .help sb with sth=help sb to do sth

68. hold a meeting=h**e a meeting .

69. hurry up=be quick .knock at the door=knock on the door

70. do/take exercise=do sports=play sports =h**e sports

71. turn right at the…crossing=take the …turning on the right

72. a bit +形容词=a little+形容词= kind of +形容词。

73. a moment ago=just now

74. all over the world=across the world=around the world=in the world=throughout the world

75. no longer=not…any longer=no more=not any more

76. in the southern part of …=in the south of …

77. plenty of+名词复数=quite a few +名词复数 =a lot of+名词复数=lots of+名词复数=large numbers of+名词复数=a number of+名词复数=many+

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