
发布 2022-08-01 22:11:28 阅读 7748

unit 1 how do you study for a test ?

section a :

短语总结:1. 通过和朋友一起学习2. 通过制作抽认卡。

3. 通过听磁带4. 通过向老师求助5…怎么样。

6. 大声读练习发音7.学到很多8.太…而不能。

9.做某事的最佳方法10. 看英文杂志11. 感觉不同12. 对…感到兴奋13. 最终做了某事。


1.你怎样准备考试? 我通过听磁带准备考试。


3. 你曾经和小组一起学习过吗? 是。 我用那种方法学到了很多。

4. 这个星期我们询问了学生关于学习英语的最佳方法。

5. 然而有时候他发现看电影令人沮丧因为人们说话太快。

6. 加入英语俱乐部是提高她英语的最佳方法。


exercises : 1. how do you learn english ?

i learn english bywatch) english –language videos.

2. how abouth**e) a cup of tea ? good idea .

3. why don’t you __get) her a scarfget her a scarfgetting her a scarf ?

4. she is too shyspeak) in front of others .

5. could you tell me about the best wayimprove) english ?

6memorize) the words of pop songs also helps a little .

7. people in different countries beh**edifferent)

8. when i got home , i found my pet doglie) on the floor , dead .

9. he saidh**e) conversations with friends isfrustrate) because we all ended upspeak) in chinese .

10. at first they hated each other , but they ended upget) on very well .

11. i don’t know how to learn english well .could you give me somesuggest)?s

12. you are in bad health . you’d bettergive) upsmoke) .

13. we practicedsing) english songs for one and a half hours today .

found itfrustratewatch) english language movies .

15. wei hua finds learning english boring .(同义句) wei hua findsboringenglish .

16 . what about reading大声) to提高) your english .

17. i can’t understand mr. brown . because his发音) is different from mine .

18. she said记住) the words was important if you wanted to learn english well .

19. i can’t follow you because you speak too q

section b& self check

短语总结: 1. 口头英语2. 在…犯错误3. 读得慢4.

使发音正确5. 刚开始的时候6. 害怕做某事。

7. 后来8. 没关系9. 嘲笑。

10. 帮助很大11. 其中的…的秘诀之一。

12. 决定做某事13.记大量的语法笔记14.喜欢做某事15. 得了个a16. 受感动的17. 做某事有困难18. 查阅19.编对话。

句型总结: 1. 你为什么不加入英语俱乐部来练习说英语呢?

2. 我没有可以一起练习英语的伙伴。

3. 首先,当老师讲课时听懂她不容易。

4. 后来我意识到如果你听不懂每个单词也没关系。

5. 我认为做大量的听力练习是成为一个好的语言学习者的秘诀之一。

6. 另一件我发现比较难的事情是英语语法。

7. 如果你不知道怎样拼写新单词的话,查查词典。

exercises :

last year my english __be) difficult . first of all , it wasn’t easy for meunderstand)

the teacher when she talkedbegin) with , she spoke too quickly, and i couldn’t understand every word . later on , i realize that it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand every word . i was also afraidspeak) in class because i thought my classmates might laugh at me .

i couldn’t make complete sentencestoo) .then i startedwatch) english –language tv. it helped a lot .

i thinkdo) lots of listening practicebe) one of thesecret) ofbecome) a good language learner . another thing that i found very difficult was english grammar. so i decidedtake ) lots of grammar notes in every class .

then i started to write my own original sentencesuse) the grammar i was learning . it’samaze) how much this helped. now i’m enjoyinglearn) english and iget) an a this term .

my english teacher is veryimpress) .


unit 3 what were you doing when the ufo arrived section a 短语总结 1.从 里面出来2.在 的前面。3.睡过头4.在 上交谈5.沿着 街走6.报警7.给电台打 8.起飞9.有一次非同寻常的经历10.跟着某人做某事11.进入。句型总结 1.当不...


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九年级英语月考unit1 unit

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