
发布 2022-07-29 23:31:28 阅读 5897

unit 2复习检测题。

i. 英汉互译:

1. a set of ring

3. excuse me4. my school id card

5. pencil lost and found case

7. 我的蓝色书包8. 打**给她。

9.她的漂亮手表10. 一个橘色的棒球。

11.你的英语字典12. 你的电子游戏。

ii. 根据句意和首字母提示完成单词。

1. this is an ein the pencil case.

2.—what is this in e

—it's a pen .

3. is that your cgame in the lost and found case?

4. this is a w

5. i lost my sid card.

iii. 根据句子意思选择正确的词填空。

1. this isi )good friendshe) name is sonia.

2. that’snot)a picture.

3. –what’she)english name?

it)is nancy.

4.--what color isit, that, you) ruler?

---it’s __a,an) yellow ruler.

5.--is thatyou ) pencil?

---no, it isn’t. it’she) pencil.


1, -excuse me, is this your gold ring? -yes

a. is itb. it’sc. it isd. it isn’t

2, –what is this? –it is a __

a. egg b. orange c. banana d. apple

3do you spell baseball?

-- b-a-s-e-b-a-l-l, baseball.

a. whatb. what’sc. howd. how’s

4, it’s a ball pen, _it’s a pencil.

a. what is this b. and what is this c. this is what d. what’s it

5your school id card?

a. this is b. is thisc. am i d. are it

6, -what’s this in english

a. yes, it’s a watchb. it’s my watch

c. it’s a watchd. no, it’s a watch.

7, -is thatenglish dictionary?

-- no, it’schinese one.

a. a, ab. an, anc. a, and. an, a

8yes, it is.

a. what is this in english b. is it a computer

c. what is ten minus five d. are you thirteen

9, -how do you spell ring

a. it's a ring b. r-i-n-g c. r-i-n-g d. a ring

10, _my book. _your book.

a. this is , that’s b. this’s , that’s c. this is , it’s d. this’s , that is

11, please __mary __687—8068.

a. give, at b. call, to c. call, at d. telephone, for

12, -is this your watch __the lost and found case, jack?


a. at , it’s b. in , it is c. in , this is d. for, this’s

13, —is this your eraser?

no, it isn't. i think

a. it her eraser b. its her eraser c. it's her eraser him eraser

14is this your mobile phone?

-- ah, yes, it’s my phone.

a. sorryb. excuse me c. helloc. hi

15, -is thiscomputer game?

yesis __computer game.

a. his; it, me b. your; this, his

c. your; it, my d. you; it, my

v.用i, you , she, it, his, that, me,my 填空。

1.__am ok. and

2. _is a girl, _name is mary.

___a boy

4. this is a pen ,and what’sis a pencil.

5. excuse __is __teacher gaohui?


is my pencil.(变为一般疑问句并作否定回答)


no, it

2. what’s the english for this?(同义句转换)


3. that, id card, your, ?is (连词成句)

4. this is a ruler.(就划线部分提问)

this5. my mother is fine. (就划线部分提问)

6.this is a pen in english. (对划线部分提问)

7. your, bag, this, is (连词成句)

8. call, 685-6034, please, mike, at (连词成句)

9. is, that, english, a, in, desk (连词成句)

vii. 完成句子。





5. 这是一个钟表。

6. 失物招领箱里的那个电子游戏是你的吗?



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