
发布 2020-02-29 03:16:28 阅读 5190

unit 2 i used to be afraid of the dark 教学案。

主备:兰永琴审核: 九年级英语组。


1.学会用句型used to谈论过去曾经做过或喜欢的事。

2.掌握描述人的性格的形容词,shy ,serious, outgoing 等。

section a

重点短语:(翻译短语 )

used towait a minuteplay the piano

be interested inon the swim team

重点句型:i used to be afraid of the dark .


1. 写出描述人的性格和外貌的词或短语

外貌( appearance)的词 : short

个性(personality)特征的词 :

quiet2. 谈论你的过去(包括外貌,性格,爱好,生活习惯等 )


i. people sure change.人确实在变 (1)sure 副词的确; 一定; 当然。

it's sure cold outside.外面实在很冷。

2)形容词常用于be sure of, be sure to do, be sure that 结构中。例如。

you may be sure of his honesty. /you may be sure that he is honest. 你可以确信他的诚实。

i'm sure of winning the game. 我有把握能赢得比赛。

he is sure to be back soon. 他一定会很快回来。

be sure not to forget it. 千万别忘了。

注:be sure of 与be sure to do的区别:

be sure of 和be sure that一样,主语是人, 主语感到“有把握;确信”; be sure to do的主语可以是人,也可以是物, 表示说话人推测“一定;必然会”。例如:

he is sure of his success. /he is sure that he will succeed. 他确信他会成功。

he is sure to succeed. 他一定会成功。(说话人的看法)

2)make sure of/ make sure about /make sure that /make sure to do有“弄清楚;查明”之意。例如:

she made sure that she turned off the light. 她确定她已关灯了。

make sure to lock the door before you go out.出去之前一定要锁上门。

ii. be on a team 加入…队

i'm __a swim team.我加入了游泳队。

iii.句型used to 的用法。

1. 例句:mario used to be short./ he used to wear glasses.“主语+used to+动词原形+其它”。

2. 在这个句型中used to的含义为“过去常常”。表示过去的习惯,暗示现在已无此习惯。

when i was a child, ichocolate.当我还是个孩子时,我常常喜欢吃巧克力。

3.used to+动词原形的否定形式:

主语+didn’t use+to do 或主语+usedn’t +to do

例如 he __use to study hard = he __to study hard

4. used to do 的疑问式及其回答

(1) used + 主语 + to do---回答;yes ,sb used to/sb usedn’t to

(2) did + 主语 + use to do---回答;yes, sb did/no, sb didn’t

如:she used to clean the room every day.(变一般疑问句)。

(1)__she use to clean the room every day ? yes,she __no,she __

(2)__she to clean the room every day? yes sheno,she

5.反意疑问句:you used to be shortyou?

6. used to do和be used to doing.

①be used to 是“习惯于”某一客观事实和状态,不强调动作,to是介词,后面接名词或动名词,如:i am used to the weather here. 我已经习惯于这里的天气了。

he is used to hard work. 他习惯于艰苦的工作。

②get(或become)used to指的是从不习惯到习惯这一过程的转变,另外,它往往包含着克服困难去适应的意思。

如:you will soon get used to the weather here. 你会习惯于这里的天气的。

in the end, i got used to doing the hard work. 最后,我终于习惯干苦活了。


)1 .last year ,mike was on the school team and he sports clothes.

a .weared used to wear to wearing to wear

) used to be very short , she?

use to

( )are very interested pictures.

drawing draw drawing

( )little girl is afraidsnakes.

( )be used ton countyside.

work 二、 把下列句子翻译成英语。

1. 我以前很内向。i

2. 他爸爸从前当过兵。 his fathera solider.

3. 难道你不记得我的名字吗youmy name?.

4. 请等一会儿,汤姆马上来。

pleasetom is coming at once.


i like swimming and i am

period 2






front of 与in the front of 二者均为“在…前面”,请看例句:

the teacher is in the front of the classroom .


unit 2 知识回顾。第一课时。一 语言点及词组。1 过去常常做。2 used to 的各种用法。否定句 疑问句 3 过去有。4 过去没有。5 与use有关系的词组 被用于做。被用于某事。习惯于做。6 害怕某事 2 7 害怕做某事 2 8 不敢做 2 9 入睡,睡着 2 10 关于on的用法。表示...


unit 2 i think that mooncakes are delicious section a 知识点归纳。1.增加 体重 2.听起来好像 3.和 相似 4.向 投掷某物。5.冲走 6.呈 的形状 7.然而 8.射下 9.结果。翻译句子。1.两周后我要去清迈。2.新年是清洁和冲掉不好的事...

新目标九年级Unit2 A学案

unit2 i think that mooncakes are delicious sectiona 重点单词和短语 1.胖了5磅2.与 相似。3.互相泼水4.洗掉,冲洗。5.数世纪以来6.一个满月的形状。7.传统的民间故事8.最感人的。9.无论是谁10.拒绝做某事。11.飞向月球12.摆放,布置...