九年级英语第七周学案 课后练习

发布 2022-07-28 13:15:28 阅读 7700

学府教育 2024年春季班学案。







1. 基数词的读法与写法:个位与十位之间加连字符“-”每隔三位加一个单位数词,从后向前数分别为thousand, million, billion,每个单位数词之间加一个逗号。


25: twenty-five 137: one hundred and thirty-seven

3,782: three thousand, seven hundred and eighty-two

4,750,000,000: four billion, seven hundred and fifty million

2. hundred, thousand, million, billion的用法:

1)当hundred, thousand, million, billion前面有基数词表示具体的数量或与several, some, many等连用时,要用单数形式,如:

five hundred people several million trees


hundreds of students thousands of factories millions of birds

练一练。girls took part in the happy girl competition but only few of them succeeded.

a. million of b. many million of c. one million of d. millions of



第八:eighth 第九:ninth 第十二:twelfth

第二十:twentieth 第二十一:twenty-first


the seventh lesson is difficult to understand.

would you like a second try?


练一练。i got a beautiful bike onbirthday.

a. fifteenth b. fifteen c. my fifteen d. my fifteenth



one third of the students in our class are girl students.

two fifths of money is spent on books.


1074: ten seventy-four 1880: eighteen eighty

注:1902: nineteen o two 或nineteen hundred and two

2008: two thousand and eight

1900: nineteen hundred

20世纪80年代:1980’s/1980s, nineteen eighties


may 23(rd): may (the) twenty-third或the twenty-third of may

练一练。lincoln was born on

a. february 12, 1809 b.1809, february 12

c. 1809, 12 february d. februrary,1809, 12



第五页:the fifth page 第十二课时:the twelfth lesson


202房间:room202 第十页:page ten




每10天/每隔九天:every ten days/every tenth day

每4周/每隔3周:every four weeks/every fourth week


在30年代:in the 30’s(thirties)

20几岁:in one’s twenties 十几岁:in one’s teens

3.表示比例可用in, out of


1. our school is only___from here.

a. walk five minutes b. five minutes walking

c. five minutes’ walk d. five-minutes walk

2. the number of the students is about nineof them are boys.

a. hundred, two thirds b. hundred, two third

c. hundreds, two thirds d. hundreds, two third

3. my sister is a student of___

a. the one class b. class one c. one class d. class first

4. india had a population of

a. five hundred and ninety-six million b. five hundred and ninety-six million people c.

five hundred and ninety-six millions d. five hundred and ninety-six millions people 5. the medicine is to be taken __

a. three time a day b. a day three times c.

three times a day d. a day three time 6. the yangtse river is __longest river in the world.

a. the fourth b. fourthc. the fourd. a four

7. _of the land __covered with trees.

a. three fourth, is b. three fourth, are c.

three fourths, is d. three fourths, are 8. in our city, _middle school students want to work as a teacher in the future.

a. thousand b. thousand of c. thousands of d. two thousand of

9. the wall is __high.

a. three-foot b. three foot c. three-feet d. three feet

10. it’s only __walk from here to the station.

a. ten-minute’ s b. ten minutes’ c. ten-minutes d. ten minutes

11. last sunday, my grandma had her __birthday.

a. ninety b. ninetieth c. nineties d. ninetieth’s

12. open your books and turn to pagelet’s read aloud lesson

a. thirty…six b. thirtieth…six c. thirtieth…sixth d. thirty…sixth

13. we h**e learned about __in recent years.


新黎明一年级语文第七周课后练习。姓名。一。看拼音写词语。hu b n zh o hu o x n xu hu t n shu y n w i t i y n b i j n 二。比一比,再组词。10分 情 种 千看红 晴 秋 午着江 三。按课文原文填空。7分 1 夜来花落知。2 春 吹,夏 落,霜降...


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