
发布 2022-07-26 08:06:28 阅读 7955

九年级unit7 where would like to visit?

key words:

1. tire v. (使---疲倦adj.(累人的,令人疲倦的adj.(疲倦的)

2. education n.(教育adj.(教育的,有教育意义的)

3. peace n.(和平adj.(和平的,宁静的)

4. thrill v.(使---激动adj. (令人激动地n. (恐怖片)

5. tour n.(旅游n.(游客adj. (适合游览的)

6. expensive adj (昂贵的adj.(便宜的)=cheap

7. include v(包括prep.(包括)

8. convenient adj. (方便的n.(便利)

9. will v. (愿意adj.(乐意的,心甘情愿的)

10. translate v. (翻译n.(翻译员n.(翻译)

11. live v.(生活adj.(活泼的,生气勃勃的)


12. find v. (找到n. (发现)

14. fascinate v. (使…着迷adj. (迷人的,有极大吸引力的)

key phrases

1. 别紧张don’t

2. 把---翻译成。

3. 大体上,通常。

4. 尽可能。

5. 把---提供给某人sbsthsb. sth.

6. 在中国东部in

7. 对---的态度 thesth.

8. 以便。

9. 与…分享sthsb.

10. 查明,弄清楚。

11. 梦想sth./doing sth

12. 去观光。

13. 旅游热点。

14. 根据。

15. 愿意做---bedo sth

16. 上大学。

17. 受好的教育a good

18. 电脑编程。

19. 坚持sth./doing sth

20. 本应该做besth.

21. 做选择a

22. 介意做某事sth.

23. 长途跋涉穿过丛林the

24. 做…方便to do sth.

25. 相当多。

part one :基础知识过关训练


1. it is very hot there, so you can only pack lclothes.

2. -what’s your dream?

---my dream is to sacross the pacific ocean.

3. he decided to chis study after finishing school and go to university.

4. in western countries, most people go to cevery weekends because they believe in god.

5. there are many fantastic sin paris, such the eiffel tower and notre dame cathedral.


1. it seemed that many students hope to h**e a goodand find a good job.

he g**e me a book which is veryeducate)

2. i hope to live somewhereand everyone there can live inpeace)

3. qinghai is aplace, so manygo there to visit qinghai lake. (tour)

4. why not consideron the internet? (shop)

5. everyone was very frustratedmyself. (include)

6. after seeing theall the people were verywith the movie. (thrill)

7. this longwalk made us verytire)

8. you’d better take awith you if you can’t speak english at all. (translate)

9. shanghai is one of thecities in china at night. (live)

10. foryou can pay everything at once. (convenient)

isto give away 99% of his money to charity, just like bill gates. (will)

12. nowill be made before we discuss together. (conclude)

13. i’d like to live in anhotel, you know this one is too expensive. (expensive)

14. here are some of theof the survey about their dreams and hopes. (find)

15. will you pleaseabout it again? (not talk)

16. it’s dangerous for such a little child tothe road alone. (across)

17. are youto learn from him, though he is younger than you? (suppose)

三。 单选题。

) has been such a beautiful village in the world. (2013 杭州)

a. anywhere b. everywhere c. somewhere d. nowhere

)2. it is our hope that we can live in a__ world and say goodbye to wars for ever.

a. similar b. peaceful c. familiar d. natural2012内蒙)

)3of volunteers will be needed got 2014 international horticulture exposition in qingdao.


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