
发布 2022-07-25 10:11:28 阅读 4563

九年级 unit4复习与综合练习。


1.过去常常做某事used to do sth 2 习惯做某事 be used to doing sth

3 戴眼镜wear glasses (wore--worn) 4沉默 be silent

5 取得好成绩 get good grades 6 对---更加感兴趣 be more interested in sth

7 加入---队be on a --team8 时常 from time to time

9 变化如此之大_change so much 10 一直 all the time

11从事占用 take up ( doing12处理应对 deal with

13 不再not --anymore= no longer 14 能做某事be able to do sth

15 引起大量关注_get tons of attention 16和---闲逛hung out

17敢做某事 dare to do sth18变得出名_ become famous

19准备做某事 be prepared to do sth 20 放弃 give up

21 许多a lot of\ lots of \ tons of 22害怕做某事be afraid to do \ be afraid of doing

23 在公众场合in public24 独自一个人_be alone

25 作报告give a speech

26 为---骄傲感到自豪take pride in \ be proud of

27 缺课be absent from class= miss class 28 亲自亲身_ in person

29 照看照顾look after\ take care of \ care for 30 引起麻烦 cause some problems

31 决定做某事 decide to do sth \ make a decision to do sth

32 即使尽管 even though

33 建议某人做某事 advise sb to do sth

34 考试不及格 fail the examination

35 担心担忧 worry about \ be worried about

36 在过去的几年了 in the last few years (现在完成时)

自我检测:1.过去常常做某事2 习惯做某事。

3 戴眼镜4沉默。

5 取得好成绩6 对---更加感兴趣。

7 加入---队8 时常。

9 变化如此之大10 一直。


13 不再14 能做某事。

15 引起大量关注16和---闲逛。


19准备做某事20 放弃。

21 许多22害怕做某事。

23 在公众场合24 独自一个人。

25 作报告26 为---骄傲感到自豪。

27 缺课28 亲自亲身。

29 照看照顾30 引起麻烦。

31 决定做某事32 即使尽管。

33 建议某人做某事。

34 考试不及格。

35 担心担忧。

学以致用:___already决定) to tr**el around the world .

must决定) to live here with us .

保管好) these books .

4. 她生了孩子之后并没有放弃工作。

she didn’twork when she had the baby


___youthe important meeting yesterday ?


he isn’t my friend , i’ll also help him


we __greatour achievements


it’s hard to believe that a 5-year-old child

9 he is going to发表演讲)

10. 他们不知道如何应对即将到来的暴风雨。

they don’t know howthe coming rainstorm.


my friends come to see me


what did his father

13my parents always担心) my study .

14. 在公共场合我们必须遵守规则。

we should obey the rules

15. 那个女孩不敢单独待在家里。

the girl doesn’tat home alone.

16 他做了一个很艰难的决定: 放弃学业去打工赚钱。

hele**e school to work for money.

17. 奶奶总是亲自下厨房为我们做饭。

grandma always cooksfor us in the kitchen.


一。 单项选择。

)1. —there was one-hour interview with the super football star on cctv 5 yesterday evening.

— yes. shared a lot of his experience during interview.

a. a; theb. the; the c. a; an d. the; an

)2. —baseball is a popular game among students in ****ei.

— really? but it’s unpopular in our city. students play it.

a. often b. seldom c. usually d. always

)3. i can’t tell when the house was built , but it must be very old.

a. exactly b. differently c. quickly d. simply

)4. —look! the goldfish is dying.

— what a pity! this kind of goldfish a lot of care and attention.

a. has b. offers c. requires d. receives

)5. —henry is really a great grandfather.

— sure, he is. he spends all his free time teaching his everything helpful.


08 09学年上学期新目标九年级unit 4单元练习。一 用方框内单词的适当形式填空,使句子通顺 正确。burn,shelf,worry,confidence,research,rest,hurt,help,safe,knowledge 1.we admire 钦佩 mr yang very muc...


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