
发布 2022-07-22 12:15:28 阅读 1638

三年级英语课堂上大家学习了很多知识点,要想记忆好这些知识点必须要认真做题,在做题的过程中能够帮助大家回顾学过的英语知识点,为此下面为大家带来新人教版2024年三年级英语上册第六单元练习题,希望能够帮助大家学好三年级英语。一、写出下列数字相对应的阿拉伯数字two ( five ( one ( seven ( ten ( three ( eight ( four ( six( )nine( )

二、读算式,选答案,将序号写在横线上。 b. seven c.

three d. five e. ten f.

eight1. two + four2. ninethree3.


5one = six 三、将右栏答语前的序号填在左边的括号内。( how old are you?a.

ten gifts.( how many gifts?b.

sure. here you are.( may i h**e a look?

c. thank you.

)can i h**e some juice?d. im fine, thank you.

( how are you?e. great!

( this is for thanks.

)happy birthday!g. ok. here you are.( lets eat the im 10.四、选出最佳选项。(10分)

a. thank very well, no, im 8.( 1.

how are you?( old are you?( 3.

how many balloons?( 4. happy birthday.

( some juice.五、搭配。

) teachers nice to meet you too.( to meet thank you.

) i h**e some cakes?c sure. here you are.( go to good afternoon.( ok.六、单项选择。

)1 a:can i h**e some milk?b

a thank you b youre welcome c sure ,here you are d i like milk( )2 a: how are you, miss white?b

a great! b very well ,thanks c how are you? d how many gifts?

)3 a:how old are you?b

a: ok b thank you c how old are you ? d im ten( )4 a: how many books?b

a great b seven c im ten d thank you( )can i h**e some water?sarah: _

a. sure, here you are. b. thank you. c. youre welcome.( white: h**e some milk,

a. yes. c. here you are.( yifansarah: here you are.

b. id like some juice, please. c. no, thank you.( youre welcome.

morning. b. thank you. c. i see o.( please?sarah: my name is sarah.

a. nice to meet you. b. whats your name c. how are you?( 10 happy birthday __you!

a on b too c to七、连词成句。

how happy you old you old years one ,please.翻译成汉语。

八、按字母表顺序,以正确格式书写26个字母的大小写。九、请找出下面句子的中文意思,将其编号写在前面的括号里。( 1、touch the 交叉你的脚。

( 2、i like 让我们说话。( 3、cross your 摸地板。( 4、look at 我喜欢蓝色。

( 5、lets 看看我。


新人教版三年级上英语期中试卷 1

三年级英语上册期中考试卷。班级姓名分数。一 帮单词宝宝找到自己的家。20分 选择与单词对应的汉语,将其序号填入题前括号内 二 我会找答句 10分 将正确答语的序号填入题前括号内 are you?sam.afternoon,boys.your name?a.good afternoon,ms smar...


一 想一想,在括号内填上合适的单位。9分。蜗牛长15小汽车每小时行60小明每分钟走60 小蜗牛重3大象体重3吃早餐用20 大课间是25跑100米用20 秒小红每天需要睡眠8 二 细心回忆,认真填空。17分。1 当测量的长度不是吾厘米的时候,我们就用 作单位,一分钱硬币的厚度大约是 2 计算,可以这样...


unit 4 where is my car part a let s talk 武台镇中心校王晓慧。一 准备活动。1 师生日常用语问候。good afternoon boys and girls.nice too meet you.评价 very good you are very clever ...