三年级英语上册1 4单元重点

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unit 1 hello


ruler尺子、pencil铅笔、eraser橡皮、crayon蜡笔、bag包、pen钢笔、pencil box铅笔盒、book书。

重点句子:1. a: hello, sarah.(你好,萨拉!) b: hi, john. (你好,约翰!)

2. a: hello, i’m miss white.(你好,我是怀特小姐。) b: hi, i am wu yifan.(你好,我是吴一凡。)

3. a: what’s your name?(你叫什么名字?)

b: my name’s john. (我的名字叫约翰)= i’m john.(我是约翰)

4. a: goodbye, mike.(再见,迈克。) b: bye, mr jones.(再见,琼斯先生)/ see you.(再见)

5. a: who’s there? (谁在那儿?) b: guess!(猜猜!)

6. a: are you tutu?(你是兔兔吗?) b: no.(不是)

7. a: let’s play!(让我们一起玩吧!) b: ok! /great! (太棒了!)

8. a: i h**e a ruler.(我有一把尺子。) b: me too.(我也是。)

a: i h**e an eraser. (我有一块橡皮。) b:me too.(我也是)

9. open your pencil box. /show me your pen. /close your book. /carry your bag.


unit 2 colours




重点句子:1. a: let’s paint!(让我们画画吧!) b: ok! /great!(好的。)

2. a:good afternoon, chen jie.(下午好,陈洁) b:good afternoon.(下午好。)

3. a:this is mr jones.(这是琼斯先生。)

b:nice to meet you.(很高兴认识你。) a:nice to meet you, too.(我也很高兴认识你。)

4. a:good morning, miss green.(早上好,格林小姐。)

b: good morning.(早上好。)/morning. (早安。)

5. i see green.(我看见绿色。) a:i see red.(我看见红色。) b:me too.

6. show me green./ show me red./ show me blue./ show me yellow.

7. a red flower. a yellow flower. a blue flower.

8. black, black. stand up.

/orange, orange. sit down. /white, white.

touch the ground. /


brown, brown. turn around.

转转圈。9. a: colour it brown.(把它涂成棕色吧。) b: ok. (好的。)

a:let’s colour the dog black.(把狗涂成黑色。) b:ok.(好的。)

unit 3 look at me!




重点句子:1. a: how are you?(你好吗?)

b: fine, thank you. /i’m fine, thank you. /very well, thanks. (很好,谢谢!)

2. a:let’s play!(让我们玩吧!)/let’s paint!(让我们画画吧!)/let’s go to school!(让我们上学吧。)

let’s make a puppet.(让我们做木偶吧!)/let’s play with the puppet.(让我们玩木偶吧!)

b: ok!(好的) /great!(好极了!)/good idea!(好主意!)

3. look at me!(看我!)this is my face.(这是我的脸。)

4. this is the arm.(这是胳膊。)this is the leg.(这是腿。)

5. close your eyes. (闭上你的眼睛。)/open your mouth. (张开你的嘴巴。)

touch your nose. /touch your ear. /touch your face.

6. clap your hands.(拍拍你的手。) touch your head.(碰碰你的头。)

w**e your arms.(挥挥你的手。)/shake your legs.(摇摇你的腿。)

shake your body.(摇摇你的身体。)/stamp your foot. (跺跺你的脚。)

unit 4 we love animals(我们爱动物)




重点句子:1. a:what’s this?(这是什么?) b:it’s a bear.(它是熊。)

2. a:what’s that?(那是什么?) b:it’s an elephant.(它是大象。)

3. a:look!a funny dog!(看,一只滑稽的狗!) b:cool!i like it.(酷,我喜欢它。)

4. a:what’s that? (那是什么?) b:guess!(猜猜!)

a:it’s a panda. i like it.(它是一只熊猫。我喜欢它。) b:thanks.(谢谢。)

5. i h**e a carrot. follow me!(我有一根胡萝卜。 跟着我!)

6. look at the cat. it is fat.(看这猫,它是肥胖的。)

look at the pig. it is big. (看这猪,它是庞大的。)

look at the dog. it’s on the log.(看这狗,它在圆木上。)

look at the duck. it’s in the truck.(看这鸭,它在卡车里面。)

look at the bear. it’s on the pear.(看这熊,它在雪梨上。)

7. act like a bird.(扮演一只鸟。)/act like an elephant。(扮演一只大象。)


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三年级英语上册1 3单元重点句型

三年级英语上册unit1 unit3重点句型。unit 1 hello 1.hello hi 你好!回答 hello hi 2.what s your name回答 i m sarah.my name is sarah.你叫什么名字?我叫莎拉。3.goodbye回答 bye see you 再见!4...