the mistakes in the following sentences.(改正下列句子中的错误。)
he has drank three beers.
she hitted him on the head.
they h**e lived there since three years.
what do you h**e said to him?
what h**e you eaten yesterday?
he sleeped for three hours – he’s still sleeping now.
he’s coming in because he h**e smelt the coffee.
he wore it for his wedding since three years.
the following sentences using and, but, because or so.(用and, but, because 或so连接下面各题中的两个句子。)
the rate has been increasing. now it’s falling.
the rate is increasing. we should buy them now.
the rate is increasing. it’s going to go on increasing.
the shares(**) h**e gone up. the company has been a success this year.
they say those shares are worth buying. i am not sure.
i think we should buy shares. the price is right now.
i am getting some shares. jack is buying some too.
he thought the price was right. he bought several hundred.
one of the expressions expressing frequency in the box to answer the questions below.(用方框中表示频度的副词或词组回答所给问题。)
example: how often do you go out in your car?
i go out in it every day.
how often do you read a magazine?
how often do you ride a bike?
how often do you give presents?
how often do you read a novel?
how often do you eat chocolate?
how often do you study english?
how often do you go to the cinema?
how often do you wear a suit?
how often do you cook dinner?
how often do you go on holiday?
once, twice, three times, etc. a day /a week / a month / a year
about once a week / once a month
every sunday / monday / tuesday, etc.
every morning / day / weekend / week / six months
never, rarely, often
about once a week, etc.
the following sentences into english.(将下面的句子翻译成英文。)
作业题1 题
作业题。材料预算单价计算。题1 某水电站大坝用水泥由某水泥厂直供,水泥强度等级为42.5,其中袋装水泥占20 散装水泥占80 袋装水泥市场价为320元 t,散装水泥市场价为290元 t。代装水泥和散装水泥均通过公路由水泥厂运往工地仓库,代装水泥运杂费为22.0元 t,散装水泥运杂费为10.6元 t ...
作业题1 题
作业题。材料预算单价计算。作业1 某水电站大坝用水泥由某水泥厂直供,水泥强度等级为42.5,其中袋装水泥占20 散装水泥占80 袋装水泥市场价为320元 t,散装水泥市场价为290元 t。代装水泥和散装水泥均通过公路由水泥厂运往工地仓库,代装水泥运杂费为22.0元 t,散装水泥运杂费为10.6元 t...
1 除主讲教师外,还有谁能帮助您 如相同学科的教师或有较高技能的教师等 答 还有单位同事 国培学员 其他学校同行。2 您能与哪些参加学习的学科教师合作?答 与参加语文学科的教师,参加数学学科的教师 参加其他课程的老师 与单位的同事等老师进行合作学习 3 您还有什么办法促进大家交流 设计游戏 活动等 ...