单元梳理答案解析版 2 1

发布 2022-06-27 02:18:28 阅读 8127

必修2 unit 5 music



1、 认读单词——词义速记

1.folk adj. a然后;后来

2.studio n. b名声;名望。

3.afterwards adv. c民间的。

4.fame n. d器械;乐器。

5.roll vt.& vi. e工作室;演播室。

6.instrument n. f额外的;外加的。

7.dip vt. g滚动;(使) 摇摆摇晃。

8.extra adj. h再统一;再联合。

9.reunite vt. i兴奋;刺激。

10.excitement n. j浸;蘸。

答案】1)c 2)e 3)a 4)b 5)g 6)d 7)j 8)f 9)h 10)i

2、 核心单词——重点记忆。

答案】1. pretend 2. musician 3. form 4. attach 5.familiar

7.humorous;humor 8. passerby;passersby 9.attractive;attract;attraction 12. invitation;invite 13.painful;painfully;pain 15.



答案】be 11. out 12. above



1.they may start as a group of highschool students,for___谁) practising their music in someone's house is是成名的第一步).

答案】whom, the first step to fame

2.the tv organizers原计划寻找)four musicians who could act as well as sing.

答案】had planned to find

3. they put an advertisement in a news*****招摇滚乐手),but they could only find one who was good enough.

答案】looking for rock musicians

4.sometimes they may play to passersby in the street or subway___为了) they can earn some extra money for themselves or to pay for their instruments.

答案】so that

5.freddy and his band could无论走到**都会有人跟随).

答案】not go out anywhere without being followed


一、 词汇精讲。

1.pretend vt. &vi. 假装;假扮。


lucy pretended___not know) anything about it and said nothing.

答案】not to know

he pretended___read) an english book when his father came in.

答案】to be reading

i had been lying to myselfpretend) that nothing happened.


名师点睛】 与pretend有类似用法(后接to do /to be doing/to h**e done)的动词还有happen, appear, seem, claim等以及be said to结构。

2. attach vt. &vi. 系上;缚上;附加;连接。


our parents alwaysour getting good educations.


答案】attach great importance to

attach a recent photographyour application form, then send it to me.


zhongnan hospitalattach) to wuhan university has a long history.


3. form vt. (使)组成;形成;构成 n.形态;形状;**。


the little kidgetting up early every morning since then.


答案】has formed the habit of

reparationis not advocated. 以钱的形式的弥补是不提倡的。

答案】in the form of money

to apply for a job,you musta form. 要申请工作,你必须填写一份表。

答案】fill in/out

4. earn vt. 赚;挣得;获得;赢得。



the band longed to h**e a secure income and succeed, but first they had to play to passersby

答案】to earn extra money


iby selling news*****s when i was young.

答案】earned my a living /made a living

young as he is, heearn)a good salary in a big company.


5. perform vt.& vi.表演;履行;执行。

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