
发布 2022-06-25 13:13:28 阅读 7261

代词。1. by the way, who will teach __pop music next term?

a. us b. our c. ours d. we

2. both pingping and beibei h**e done __homework.

a. his b. her c. their d. both’s

3. everybody is here, _

a. isn’t everybody b. isn’t it c. isn’t he d. aren’t they

4. it was __who wrote those words on the blackboard.

a. he b. him c. himself d. his

5. he wants nothing but a house of __

a. his own b. himself c. his father d. his own house


6. can you express __in english?

a. yourself b. you c. yours

7. one of them hasn’t got __lessons prepared.

a. her b. its c. one’s d. his

解析:不定代词one用作 “某一”解时,即其后有of+复数名词作定语,其所有格为his,不能用one来代表不可数名词。

8. you don’t look quite __today. what’s the matter with you?

a. you b. your c. your own d. yourself

9. though __is a long way from here, we’ll do our best to reach there in time.

a. there b. it c. its d. itself

10. we don’t consider __necessary for them to move into that house.

解析:it代替to move into that house,这里做consider的形式宾语。

a. that b. this c. it d. them

11. _is a great and glorious country.

a. our b. ours c. its d. our’s

12. he parents are going on a study trip with a friend of __

a. them b. their c. themselves d. theirs

13. i’m sorry to say __of your answers are correct.

a. none b. neither c. both d. any

解析: i am sorry"很遗憾“ 可见应该选否定词, 表示两个答案都不对。如果选d,就少了一个not.

正确的应该是i'm sorry to say not any of your answers is correct.

14. —who is that knocking at the doormust be the milkman.

a. he b. she c. it d. the man

15. _agree to your plan

a. anyone of us b. no one of us c. none of us d. someone of us

解析:a选项是任何一个人谓语动词用单数。b选项no one of us 不是我们当中的任何一个人,否定整体。

16. the books here are not so well written as __on the shelf.

a. that b. those c. ones d. them

解析:如果选择than(比……)则本句中必须出现比较级,而本句没有,故排除。those可用来指代上文出现的“the+名词复数”,对于本句来说,指代the+ books.


17. my father is a farmer, but __is yours?

a. who b. how c. which d. what

18. _do you think of my composition?

a. how b. what c. which d. why


what do you think of ……how do you like ……

19. _of you would like to get me the bike?

a. which b. what c. whom d. whomever

20. please write on the ***** __line.

a. each other b. every other c. all other d. this and that


21. would you lend me __of your money, please?

a. any b. many c. some d. a lot of

解析:特例问句中当表示邀请或希望得到肯定回答时要用some 不用any


22. sorry, but i h**e only __ink left over.

a. little b. few c. a little d. a few

23. _who come from the countryside, please fill out the form.

a. all b. anyone c. these d. those

解析:逗号前是个定语从句,空格是定语从句的先行词。all 作为先行词后面只能接that引导的定语从句。

24. she went for a swim in the pool yesterday and i’ll do __this afternoon.

a. it b. such c. same d. the same


所以是i will do the same来表示做一样的事情,来表示上文中已经提到的事情了。

25. they're tall buildings on __side of the street.

a. either b. both c. every d. any

解析:路只有两边有建筑 either side = both sides

26. _must do __best to serve the people.

a. one; his b. one; her c. one; one d. ones; ones’


27. he has quite a lot of interesting magazines but i h**e __

a. no b. none c. no one d. neither

解析:no one只能用来指人none可指人也可指物interesting magazines是物,所以不能选no one

28. _are fond of collecting stamps.

a. both the children b. both of children

c. my both children d. both of the my children

解析:both the children =both of the children

29. of the 4 books, one is written by a young writer and __by an old one.

a. other three b. three other c. the other three d. the three other

30. he invited the three of __bob, tom and __

a. we; me b. us; i c. we; i d. us; me

解析:第一个空用us,因为介词of后面只能接宾格形式;第二个空填me,后面的bob,tom and me都是us的同位语,而us是宾格形式,所以这里绝对不可以用i,只能用me.

31. _seems as if we are going to h**e trouble.

a. we b. it c. that d. there

32. is __any use talking to him about it?

a. this b. that c. he d. it

解析:此处 it 做形式主语,替代 talking to him about it。

33. since you don’t h**e a dictionary here, why not use __

a. my b. mine c. her d. their

34. this book is not mine. it belongs to __


1.解析 考查反身代词的用法。结合设空前的 come on,bill.以及设空处所在句的主语you可推断,说话人对bill说的是 你应该相信你自己。故所缺的反身代词是yourself。答案 c 2.解析 考查不定代词的用法。句意为 我兄弟们和我都很喜欢辣的食物。all表示 三者或三者以上都 故选b。...


代词。一 概说。代词是起代替作用的词,通常用来代替名词以及起名词作用的短语 分句和句子。代词与名词在形态上有所不同 第一,许多代词有比名词多的表示人称 数 格与性的屈折变化 第二,代词没有名词特有的派生词尾,如 tion,ment等。代词之间相异之处也很多,有的可以随便选用,有的则不能 有的可用作替...

英语练习 代词

利用名词性物主代词表示双重所有格。不定代词。either的用法 造3个句子 neither的用法 同上 either or 同上 neither nor 同上 图示如下词组并造句。one the other one the others one another some the others som...