英语练习 代词

发布 2021-05-14 09:52:28 阅读 1759







one….the other….

one….the others….


some….the others….


1. -when shall we play basketball again next week?

---is ok. i’m free all the week.

a. either b. every c. any d. neither

2. i don’t like __of the two skirts. please show me __

a. both, one b. all, the other c. either, another d. neither, another

3. there are many people in the park,some are playing cards,some aredancing,and __are taking a walk in it.

a. other peoples b. the others c. others d. the other people

4. if you want a ticket for a round-trip, sir, you’ll h**e to pay __80 yuan.

a. another b. other c. the other d. others

5. -do you like these pants sir?

---no,please show me __

a. another b. some ones c. some others d. the other

6. if you want to change for a double room you’ll h**e to pay __15.

a. another b. other c. more d. each

7. jone’s glasses were broken yesterday, so she is planning to buy a new __

a. one b. ones c. pair d. pairs

8. the weather here is cooler than __in my hometown.

a. it b. that c. one d. this

9. -why don’t we take a little break?

---didn’t we just h**e __

a. it b. that c. one d. this

10. did you find __very interesting to play badminton?

a. this b. it’s c. that d. it

11. you may hope for a wonderful future, but be sure not to expect too much because not __dreams can come true. (指导p141)

a. every b. each c. both d. all

12. -i am not sure which tie to wear for the party.(指导p13,关于副词)

---god! i h**e no idea __

a. too b. neither c. either d. also

问题:这题答案是c,但是我查过one只能指代单数可数名词,这里break是不可数名词,为什么仍旧选c呢,that可以指代不可数名词,为什么不能选b? break难道在这里是可数名词?

如果这样为什么用a little修饰呢,应该是a few break才对呀。

解答:---这里的 one 是代词,指代 a little break, break是不可数名词,但由于有了 little 的修饰,可当作可数名词,这就类似于 a he**y rain 一样, 所以这里选 one,指代可数名词短语 a little break

---one 作代词时是泛指,that作代词是特指这里说休息并没特指是哪次休息,所以不能用that,不可数名词前加了形容词修饰就可以当做可数名词。

---take a break 休息一会。


---如果用that将表示特指“某一次 little rest ”one则是泛指,已经休息过了。


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