
发布 2021-05-14 09:50:28 阅读 4474


分类: 英语中代词主要分为人称代词和物主代词。具体形式如下表所示:

i. 人称代词:人称代词又分为主格和宾格形式。主格通常做主语。宾格通常做动词或介词的宾语。

eg: a. i’m a nurse.

b. could you help me ?

c. mum often takes us to the park on sunday.

d. it’s a cat. we call it “ mimi.”

e. who knows him ?

f. they are going to the cinema with her.

ii. 物主代词又分为形容词性的物主代词和名词性的物主代词。



eg: a. your school is small, mine is big.(=my book)

b. this is not your pen. yours is on the desk.(=your pen)

c. whose book is that ? it’s hers. (her book)

d. their classroom is on the second floor. ours is on the third floor.(=our classroom)

e. her bike is black. his is grey. mine is blue.(=his bike, my bike)

aren’t our books. ours are on the floor. those books are their.(=our /their books )

人称代词划线,常用who (宾格可用whom)提问。物主代词划线常用whose提问。

(特别提示): 并列人称代词的排列顺序。


第二人称 --第三人称 --第一人称。

you --he/she/iti

eg: you,he and i should return on time.


第一人称 --第二人称 --第三人称。


iii.指示代词: this 这个, that 那个 these这些 those那些。

ex i : 用所给代词的正确形式填空。

1am a monkey. do you like

name gogo. this house isi )

2. the teacher asksome questions, but __can’t answer. (we).

3. the girl is from canadaname is betty. the man is __father .

we like __very much. (she)

4. are theseyou) things ? no, they areshe).

5. daming’s bag is blue. this yellow one isn’the)

6. don’t thanki ) thankhe),7names are lucy and lilyare from the usalive in china withparents not. (they)

8. this is liu ming’s dogname is cody. liu ming likes __very much.

he often takes __to the street.

9are studentsschool is no. 2 middle schoolh**e eight classes every day. this classroom isthe teachers are very kind towe)

10is our english teacher. we callmiss smithdaughter is very lovely. we like __lessons very much.


11. the man is englishname is john brown. the people callmr. brownworks in beijing now.

12. this isn’tcoatis purple. (i ).

13. -is thisyou) pencil ?

---no. it’s noti ) i think it’sshe ).

14. look atwhat’s inhands ? he).

15. whose desks are thosearethey )

16i ) english teacher is a manhe) is a woman.

17. there are three people in li lei’s familyareparents andhas a very happy family.

18father and mother look afteri )

19. that’s notchairis over there. (you)

20we) are in class onethey ) are in class twowe) classroom is bigger thantheywe) often play basketball withthey ).

21. she is a friend ofi ).i often go shopping withsheshe) house is next toi ).

22. there is a shop nearschool. the people in the shop are very friendly tooften bus school thing there.


23. that’s very kind ofthank __forhelp. (you)

24i ) computer is broken. what aboutyou)?

25she) parents are teachersi ) are workers.

26. this pencil is notis at home.

27. the twins are from indiaparents are doctorsgo to school by bike. these two bikes are

28. i’ve got a good friendis a girl. _name is sallymother is an english teacher.

we likevery much.

29. what’s thisis a bird. _name is polly.

30are going to see a film . would you like to go withwe)

31she) father works in a hotel. _he) works in a university.


人称代词有主格和宾格两种形式,第三人称的人称代词还有性别的变化。主格主要用来做句子的主语,在正式文体中也可用作表语 宾格主要用作宾语,在口语中也常用来做句子的表语。在口语中,若省略谓语及其他成分的短句中,人称代词宾格可用作主语 1 如 he has read the novel.me too.他看过...


第一部分 对划线部分提问。1 对 地点 提问用where。如 1 theyarestudyingchineseinchina.wherearetheystudyingchinese?2 就 时间 提问用when。如 2 shecametojapanin1990.whendidshecometojap...


人称代词主格 作主语,表示谁怎么样了 干什么了。i am a teacher.you are student.he is a student,too.we you they are students.人称代词宾格作宾语,表示动作行为的对象。give it to me.let s go let s l...