高译教育 中山大学考研英语翻译基础真题

发布 2022-06-13 14:39:28 阅读 3610







of weapons of mass sourcing

to trading

of social of human civilization

二、篇章翻译(120分)text a



text b

we h**e a treasure-house of literature, going back to the egyptians,the greeks, the romans. it is all there, this wealth of literature,to be discovered again and again by whoever is lucky enough to comeupon it. a treasure.

suppose it did not exist. haw impoverished, howempty we would be.

weownalegacyoflanguages,poems,histories,anditisnotonethat will ever be exhausted. it is there, always.

we h**e a bequest of stories, tales from the old storytellers, someofwhosenamesweknow, to a clearing in the forest where a great fire burns, and theold shamans dance and sing, for our heritage of stories began in fre,magic, the spirit world-and that is where it is held, today.

drat we all of us easily imagine. let us suppose floods washthrough our cities, the seas rise. but the storyteller will be there,foritisourimaginationswhichshapesus,keepus, best, and at our most creative.


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