
发布 2022-05-16 00:35:28 阅读 9602



1. is not(缩略形式2. let us(缩略形式。


5. glass(复数6. friend(形容词。


9. she(宾格对应词。


) bowl b book c. ruler

)2. a. knife c. forty b. fork

)3. a beef c. chicken b kitchen

)4. a spoon c. rice b soup

) milk b juice c chopsticks

)6. a bedroom b study c home

) apple b. bird c. orange

) door b pencil c. bed

)9. a floo b. schoolbag c. door

) doctor b. book c. farmer


) rice

) hat

)5. desk he


)1. -chen jie: let me clean the board. -amy

a sorry b. hello c. ok

)2. is she in the bedroom?

a. no, they arent. b. yes, she is c. yes. he is

)3. i h**e english book

a. a b. an c./

)4.--where's my schoolbag

a. it's blue b it's on the chair. c it's a schoolbag

)5. go to thewatch tv.

a. bathroom b. living room c. kitchen

)6. -where are the keysin your desk.

a. it's b. it's c theyre

)7. who is

a him b. his c. he

)8.--how many people are there in your family

a. three b. they're my parents and me c ok

)9.--what's your fathers job

a hes a docto c. shes a nurse. b yes, he is

) 10. -would you like some juice

a. i'd like some juice. b. yes, please. c. ok. here you are.


)1. what's her namea. thank you

)2. what would you likeb. she is a doctor.

)3. help yourself, pleasec. id like some soup.

)4. what's your mothers job? d. her name is lucy.

)5. how many apples are there on the tree? e. four


1. my brother is a teacher.(对划线部分提问)

2. he is in the study.(变成一般疑问句)

3. what' s she job?(改错)

4. there are four people in my family(对划线部分提问)

5. like you would dinner for some vegetables(?)连词成句)



a. where are my keys b. the keys are in the door.


a. he is tall and stron b. he is short and quiet


a. let me clean the classroom. b. lets clean the classroom.


a. what s your aunts job? b. where is your aunt?


a. id like some fish for dinner. b. what would you like for dinner?


this is my home. it's very big. we h**e two bedrooms, a living room, a studytwo bathrooms and a kitchen.

in the bedrooms, you can see windows, doors. bedslamps and chairs. in the living room, you can see a tv, a phone and a sofa in the istudy, you can see a desk, a chair and a shelf.

some books are on the shelf. in thekitchen, you can see a fridge and two forks. it's a nice home

)1. we h**e two bedrooms, a living room, a study, two bathrooms and akitchen in my home.

)2. some books are on the desk.

)3. in the bedrooms, you can see windows, doors, beds, fans and chairs.

)4. in the kitchen, you can see a fridge and a fork.

) h**e six rooms in my home.


考生注意 1 本试卷共4页,八道大题,满分100分,考试时间90分钟。2 答题前将密封线左侧的项目填写清楚。3 答案须用蓝色 黑色钢笔或圆珠笔书写。1 神八 飞船在太空飞行的总里程大约是 千米,飞行总里程读作千米,用 四舍五入 法省略万后面的尾数,约是万千米。2 算式 98 74,如果商是一个两位数...


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