
发布 2022-05-16 00:33:28 阅读 1392




1) b (2) u (3) y (4) k


1) cc ee (2) ll (3) qq

4)ee hhll mm nn


) 1、a、light b、floor c、wall d、classroom

) 2、a、toy b、english c、maths d、chinese

) 3、a、quiet b、glasses c、friendly d、strong

) 4、a、cook b、driver c、baby d、farmer

) 5、a、noodles b、rice c、juice d、fish

) 6、a、fork b、soup c、knife d、chopsticks

) 7、a、fridge b、sofa c、bed d、study

) 8、a、chicken b、living room c、bathroom d、kitchen


)1. let clean the door.

a . me b. my c. we

)2. how many are there in your family?

a. people b. peoples c. puppy

)3. i my english teacher.

a. like b. h**e c. likes

)4. i'm . let me help you.

a .long c. short

)5. he has __hair, big eyes and small ears.

a. white c. long

)6. -are you?--i am in the living room.

a. what b. what c .where

)7. would you like bread?

a. any b. you c. some

)8. can you see in my room?

a. what b. where c. who

)9. every thing ready.

a. at b. is c. are

)10. what would you like dinner?

a. to b. on c. for


)1. what’s in your schoolbag? a. his name is john.

)2. can i h**e some rice , please? b. i h**e 15.

)3. howmanyhatsdoyouh**e?c. sure. here you are.

)4. what’s his named. it’s under the chair.

)5. where is the ball? e. three books and two erasers.

5、read and write “t” or “f”(读短文, 判断正“t”误“f”)(10分)

hello! come and meet my family. this is my father.

he is a doctor. he likes painting. this is my mother.

she is a doctor, too. she has long red hair. that woman is my aunt.

she has short hair and big eyes. the big boy is my brother. he likes music.

) 1. there are four people in my family.

) 2. my aunt has long red hair.

) 3. my mother is a doctor.

) 4. my father likes painting.

) 5. my brother is a driver


beef , fish ,book ,kitchen, mother, sister,

living room , bag , rice , study

1. family member(家庭成员。

2. food (食品。

3. school things (学习用品。

4. room(房间。



a. what’s your uncle? b. who’s your uncle?


a. what do you like? b. what would you like?


a. what’s for dinner? b. what’s dinner?


a. where is my chinese book? b. where is my notebook?


a. the driver is in the study. b. the teacher is in the kitchen.


1. your, what’s , father’s , job?, in, the, what’s

like? ,you, what, are, in, the, they

5. people, many, how, are, there?


2012 2013学年度第一学期期末检测试卷。四年级英语。听力部分 共五大题,40分 一 听音选词,在听到的单次序号上画圈,每题1分,共8分 二 听音标号,用数字标出 的先后顺序,每题1.5分,共12分 三 听音判断,在正确选项前的括号内打 每题1分,共8分。1.a.lucy lives in lo...


甘州区2013年春学期四年级英语期末测试卷。卷首语 同学们,好成绩要从点滴做起,只要你点滴不漏,就一定能考出好成绩你,加油吧!listening part 40分 一 听录音选出你所听到的单词,将其字母编号填在题前括号内。10分 1.a.washroom b.weather c.sweater 2....


听力部分 30 一 听音圈单词。4 1.classroom classmate 2.math booksnotebooks3.friendfather4.chopsticks plate 二 听音填数字。16 三 听音写单词,将对话补充完整。10 waiter can i help you?fath...