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一、 写出字母的左邻右舍。(10分)

ffqq ee xx

hhkk 二找出每组单词中不同类的一项。(10分)

) 1. a. storybook b. blackboard c. english book

) 2. a. strong b. thinc. light

) 3. a. notebook b. friendly c. quiet

) 4. a. longb. toyc. candy

) 5. a. floorb. wallc. computer

三、单项选择题。 (20分)

)1. let___clean the classroom.

a myb mec i

) 2 .the desks __green.

ab arec is

) 3. let’s go and __

a seeb seesc to see

) she in the classroom

a. no, she is. b. yes ,he is. c. no, she isn’t.

) 5.__they on the table ?

a. is b. arec. am

) 6. –can i h**e some juice? -sure, here __

a. are youb. you arec. i am

)7. what __you like for breakfast?

a. areb. wouldc. is

( )8 what’s __dinner?

a. forb. toc. in

) 9. here __today’s specials.

a. amb. isc. are

)10、my family seven menbers

a、h**e b、has c、is



a let’s clean the blackboard. b let’s clean the classroom.

c let me clean the classroom.

) 2. 小刚找不到他的书包,他问小华,应该用英语这样说:

a what’s in my school? b who’s this? c where’s my schoolbag?

) 3. 当你看到chen jie 的教室特别大时,你会说:

a it’s so bigb it’s so nice. c it’s so beautiful.

)4. 你想说我们都是好朋友,你会说:

a she’s my good friend. b we are good friends.

)5.你想把li yan介绍给你的朋友lisa,你要说:

a li yan, this is my friend lisa. b lisa, this is my friend li yan.

) 6. 你想告诉别人你有一个新书包,你应该这么说 .

a. i h**e a new bag,you see b. look! i h**e a new schoolbag.

c. this is my schoolbag.

) 7. 你想看看你同桌的某样物品时,你应该这么说 .

a. i can look your penb. i can see your pen ?

c. may i see it?

) 8.小红有一支新钢笔,你想知道是什么颜色的,你应该这么说 .

a. what’s your new pencil? b. what colour is your new pencil?

c. where is your new pencil?

)9. 当你想对父母说自己的朋友很文静,你说:

a. my friend is quiet. b. my friend is strong.

c. my friend is tall.

)10 .你想知道你班新来男同学的姓名,你问其他同学说。

a. where is my storybook ? b. what`s his name?c. what’s her name?


)1. what’s in the classroom? a. i’d like some noodles.

)2. is this your bedroom? b. sure. here you are.

)3. what would you like? c. she’s a nurse.

)4. can i h**e some juice, please?

d. two desks and ten chairs.

)5. what’s your sister? e. yes, it is.

六、 连词成句(15分)

1、 me, clean, the, blackboard, let,(.

2 、in, the, is, what, classroom,(?

3 、h**e, we, a, new, computer,(.

4、 my, is, where, seat,(?

5、 wall, the, white, is,(.


hello, i’m mary. this is my grandfather. he’s tall.

he’s sixty-two. he likes vegetables. he’s a farmer.

my grandma is fifty-eight. she is a teacher. she likes rice.

look, this is my aunt. she is a nurse. she likes fish.

)1. i’m mike.

)2. grandmother likes fish.

)3. mary’s grandpa is tall.

)4. mary’s aunt is a nurse.

)5. mary’s grandfather is a driver.


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