
发布 2022-05-15 18:41:28 阅读 4420



1.s__mmer(夏天)2.m__ ch(三月)3.sw__m(游泳)4.w__ k(散步)5.pi__t__re(**)

6、sl_ _p(睡觉)7、 bir__ day(生日)8、fl__(飞)9、 j__mp(跳) 10、m_ _nta_ n(山)


) 1.spring a.春天 b.季节 c.夏天。

) 2.morning a.下午 b.中午 c.上午。

) 3.may a.五月 b.三月 c.六月。

) 4.write a letter a.写报告 b.写信 c.写电子邮件。

) 5.swing a.游泳 b.荡秋千 c.跑步。



) do you do __the weekend? b. in

)2.__season do you like best?

) playing chess.

) i speak __john? b to

)5.--they taking a picture? -yes, they are.

)6.— when do you get up this morning

a.at 6:30 b.on monday c.what about you?

)7.__about you?

a.how b.where c.why

)8.mike: what’s your f**ourite season? dongdong

a.swimming b.fly kites c.fall

)9.there are __seasons in a year. a.two b.there c.four

)10.i like winter, because i can play __snow in winter.

a.and b.with c.or

) 11. summer is good, _fall is my f**ourite season.

a. and b. but c. with

)12. uncle bill’s birthday is __march. a. in b. on c. in

)13are you doing? a. what b. which c. when

)14are they? -they are in the woods. a. what b. where c. when


)1. what are you doing?a. yes, they are.

) 2. is her birthday in june?b. it's may the 5th.

) 3. what's the date?c. i'm answering the phone.

) 4. what do you do on the weekend? d. yes, it is.

) 5. are they doing an experiment? e. i often going hiking.

) 6.when is your birthday?f.because i can swim in the sea.

) 7.which season do you like best? g.it’s swimming.

) 8.why do you like summerh.my birthday is in may.

) 9.what’s the fish doing? i.i like summer best.


1. they, cathing butterflies, are(?)

2. when, get, do, up, you(?)

3. play sports, i, at, 3:00, usually(.)

4. do, why, winter, you, like(?)

5. mountains, i, sometimetimes, climb(.)

6. you how about ?

7 .weekend what you do on the do ?

8. noon at 12:00 get usually i up at .

9. the eating are honey they ?

10. cooking mum is dinner kitchen in the .

12.what the date is ?

13.the monkeys doing are what?

14. the like i to in swim sea 。

15. is it cold me too for。


1 i __summer ._i can swim in the lake .

2 . he is __an e_mail __the study .

3 . i oftensometimes i __

4 . what are they doing ? they are __trees .


john: what you see? mike: i see two .

john: what are they ? mike: they water.

john: can you see the ? mike: yes, it .


) a.he is in the woods.

) b.where is zhang peng?

) c. yes, he is. they are play toghter.

) d. is he taking picture?

) e. no, he isn't. he is playing chess.

) f. is john playing chess, too?



my name is tim. i'm eleven years old. my birthday is october 2nd.

it's in golden fall. the weather is cool and sunny. it's my f**ourite season.

my father's birthday is in october, too. can you imagine (想到)it's on the same(同一) day! we can enjoy ourselves on that day together!

usually we go hiking or fly kites. sometimes we h**e a picnic. we h**e a lot of fun on that day!

1. when is tim's birthday? what's the date?

2. what do tim and his father do on their birthdays?

3. which season does tim like best?


it’s summer. zoom and zip swim in the lake. they are happy.

“i like summer,” says zip. “why do you like summer?” asks zoom.

“because i can swim in the lake.”


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