
发布 2022-05-15 18:39:28 阅读 6425





.listen and tick or cross. 听音,根据听到的录音内容判断下面数字的对错,对的在括号内打“√”不对的打“×”10分)

. listen and circle. 听音,圈出听到内容对应的**。(10分)

1. ab2. ab.

3. ab4. ab.

5. ab. listen and number. 听音,给**标号。(10分)

.listen and choose. 听音,选择正确的答语。(10分)

) 1. a. it’s half past twelve. b. it’s a clock.

) 2. a. yes, he canb. no, i can’t.

) 3. a. it’s blueb. they’re white.

) 4. a. no, there isn’tb. yes, i am.

) 5. a. fourteen yuanb. fourteen bananas.

.listen and write“t”or“f”. 听音,根据对话判断所听内容是否与下面句子相符,相符的在括号内写“t”,不相符的写“f”。(5分)

) 1. tina can ride a horse.

) 2. mike can play the piano.

) 3. lily can’t skate.

) 4. they can play football.

) 5. they can’t roller blade.

. listen and choose. 听音,根据短文内容选择正确的答案,并将代表该答案的字母序号写在题前的括号内。(5分)

) 1. nick is in class

a. 4b. 5c. 6

) 2. there areboys andgirls in his class.

a. 32, 18b. 36, 15c. 23, 19

) 3. nick likes __best in his english class.

a. the songsb. the chantsc. the stories

) 4. his english teacher is

a. miss smithb. miss black c. miss williams

) 5. nick can

a. ride a horseb. roller blade c. play football


. look, write and match. 从方框中选择适当的字母组合完成单词,并将单词与对应的**连线。(10分)

1. l __t2. so __s 3. sh __t

4. blackbo __d 5. wind __

. choose and circle. 圈出正确的数字单词完成下面算式。(7分)

1ninety, eighty )

2thirty-one, threety-one )

3fourty, forty )

4one, twofivety, fifty )

5six, sixteenseventy-four, seventy-five )

. choose and write. 选择适当的疑问词填在横线上完成下面的对话。(每空一词)(10分)

1is the floor?


2are you?

---fine, thank you.

3are they?

---they are forty yuan

4is your f**ourite day?


5chairs are there?


. read and choose. 从右边的方框内选择合适的句子完成下面对话,并将代表该句子的字母序号填在横线上。(8分)

---hello, jane!

a. it’s eight o’clock

---how niceb. hello, mike

-- oh, can you play the piano?

c. yes, i can. and i like

-- great! i like langlang, toolanglang best.

---what time is it?

d. i h**e got a new piano.

---time for school. let’s go!

. reading. 读短文,完成下面两小题。(9分)

the boy in the blue t-shirt and brown shorts is dan. he can’t roller blade. he can play football and skate.

the girl in the pink dress is maria. she can’t sing. but she can dance.

the boy in the white shirt and black shoes is mark. he can ride a bike and skate.

the girl in the purple t-shirt and yellow shorts is sue. she likes sports very much. she can’t roller blade.

she can play basketball well.

1. 请根据上面句子的描述,在方框内写出每位小朋友的名字。(4分)

2. 请根据上面句子的描述,选择“yes”或“no”来回答下面问句,并在相应的方框内打。


yes no

1. can dan roller blade?

2. is maria wearing a pink dress?

3. can mark ride a bike?

4. is sue wearing a white shirt and black shoes?

5. can dan and mark skate?

. writing. (6分)


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唐河育才实验学校2011 2012学年度第一次月考。时间 60分钟分值 100分。一 选出不同类的单词。把其字母代号填入题前括号内。10分 1,a.fox b.cat c.good 2,a.girl b.boy c.inside 3,a.mouth b.look c.hand 4,a.clever ...


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