
发布 2022-05-15 18:40:28 阅读 2071


listening part听力部分(40分)

灰太狼给同学们出挑战书了,仔细听音把所听到的内容的序号填在题前括号内 (10分)

) 1. a.

) 2. a.

) 3. a.

) 4. a. curtain

) 5. a. saturday

)6. a. mutton

) 7. a. do homework housework my homework

) clean the closthesb. clean the closet

) 9. a. there is an end table. there an end table ?

) would you like cabbage? b. would you like pork


) often read books on___

and tuesday b. monday and thursday.

) like __but i don’t like __

pork fish fruit

) h**e __on monday?

a. chinese english math c. chinese math

) you __

a. make the bed the dishes the table

) is a trash bin __the door.

a. near the b. in front of c. behind


) 1 a he’s tall and strong . b she’s tall and funny.

) 2 a it’s sundaybtomorrow is saturday.

) 3ai’d like fish for dinner. b i h**e fish for dinner.

) 4 a i can cook the meals . b i like cook the meals.

) 5 a yes there isb yes there are.


) 1. 你的新英语老师是谁?.

) 2.我们在星期四有英语课,语文课,计算机课和体育课。.

) 3. 晚餐你想吃什么?.

) 4.你喜欢吃水果吗?.

) 5. 我会做家务。.

writing part 笔试部分(56分)

我用火眼金睛发现灰太狼的捣乱,能用“ ”表示画线部分发音相同,用“”表示发音不同(5分)

who peach thisyellow how

what tea thank goat now



) 1、i often play ping-pong __thurdays?

a. inb. on c. of

) 2、there __a small closet in my bedroom.

a. isb. are c. am

) 3、amy is in front of mike,mike is __amy.

a. in front of b. behind

) 4、can you help me

a no,i can. can’t. c no,i can’t.

) 5、what day is is today

a. it’s sunny b. tomorrow is friday c. it’s friday

) 6、my math teacher is __university student?

a a b an c 不填。

)7 、_your english teacher?

a. what’s b. she’s c. who’s

) 8、i like pork __fruit..

b. or c. are

) 9、i don’t like grapessour..

a. it’ are

) 10、apple and banana are___

a meet b.. fruit c vegetable



mike: today is isn’t at can help you,dad.

dad: sure, you are a very kind boy now.

mike: what can i do?

dad: can you cook the meals?

mike: sorry,i can’t.

dad: haha,i can do it .what would you like for dinner?

mike: mmm….i’d like fish,pork,eggplant and cabbage..

dad:ok!wait a minute. can you wash the clothes?

mike: i clean the bedroom.

dad: oh,emptythe trash,then do the dishes after our dinner.

mike:look!dad,i can empty the trash!oops

1、tomorrow is sunday

2、mike can cook the meals and clean the bedroom

3、mike likes fish,pork,eggplant and lunch

4、dad can cook the meals

5、mike can wash the clothes and do the dishes


my homework the closet

is an end table you like pork?

1-10 bcbabcccab)

二。and thursday


the dishes

1-5 bacbc)

三。he like?


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