1. this year sister bear will start kindergarten. she likes being at home with her mother and father...
her books and toys...and all her friends.熊妹妹今年将要去幼儿园,她喜欢和她的父母待在家里,她的书和玩具们,还有她的朋友们。
2. "what will school be like, mama?" she asks at bedtime.
"school is fun," says mama. she kisses sister good night.“学校将会是什么样子的呢,妈妈” 她在睡前问道,“学校很有趣,” 妈妈说,并给了她个晚安吻。
3. the next morning, sister begins to worryagain. the big yellow school bus arrives at the tree house.
"stop worrying!" says brother bear. "school is fun.
you'll like it. now let's go!"第二天早上,熊妹妹又开始担心了。
巨大的黄色校车停在巢屋边,“不要担心了!” 熊哥哥说,“学校里很有趣,你会喜欢它的,现在出发吧!”
4. on the school bus, a little bear sits next to sister. he looks very worried.
so she smiles at him and holds his hand.在校车上,一只小熊坐在熊妹妹的边上,他看起来看担心。所以她对他微笑并且拉起了他的手。
5. the bear country school looks very nice. and the kindergarten room looks beautiful.
"story time!" miss honey bear calls to the class.这个熊的乡校看起来很美好。
幼儿园的教室看起来很漂亮。“故事时间!” 蜂蜜熊小姐对全班说。
6. after the story, sister tries everything. she paints a picture...
helps build a block city...makes a big claydoughnut...and looks at the books.
7. she eats all of her bread and honey at lunchtime. and she falls asleep at nap time.
8. sister is so happy when she gets home. "mama!
papa! look what i did in school today!" she shows them her painting.
next to 在……旁边。
he sits next to me. 他坐在我旁边。
fall asleep 睡着。
he falls asleep in class. 他在课上睡着了。
arrive at 达到。
he arrives at the bus stop at 8:00. 他八点钟到达汽车站。
小学五年级英语阅读 雪人
hooray it s snowing it s time to make a snowman.噢噢哦!下雪了!是时候堆个雪人了。james runs out.he makes a big pileof snow.he puts a big snowball on top.he adds a sca...
班级 姓名 得分 一 默写 10 1大雪满弓刀。2.黑云翻墨未遮山卷地风来忽吹散。3.生当作人杰至今思项羽。二 连线题 10 位卑未敢忘国忧铁马冰河入梦来。夜阑卧听风吹雨事定犹须待阖棺。我自横刀向天笑去留肝胆两昆仑。多情却似总无情秋尽江南草木凋。青山隐隐水迢迢味觉尊浅笑不成。三 判断题,对的打 错的...
一 读拼音,写词语。y u f n w i d d n sh c xi n zh n c ng n n sh sh n hu d t u zh ji f n q xu y 二 我会按要求写词句。1 顶天立地 天 地 天 地 天 地。2 赞美人物品质的成语。3 每个人都看见过月亮,中秋的月亮更圆更亲切...