
发布 2022-01-01 23:03:28 阅读 7298

九年级 (上) 英语段考试卷。



一. **理解:下面你将听到一段小故事,请根据故事情节给下列**标序。将序号写在横线上。(短文读两遍)(5分)

二. 对话理解:根据你所听到对话和对话后的问题选择正确的答案。(对话及问题读两遍)(5分)

) 1. is windyb. it is rainyc. it is snowy

) 2. a. eatingb. cookingc. both a and b.

) 3. a. because they want two dogs.

b. because their dog died.

c. because their dog is ill.

) 4. a. a songb. a tv film

) 5. a. in a book shop b. in a libraryc. in a post office

三. 对话理解:听一段完整的对话,根据对话内容完成下列句子。(对话读三遍)(5分)

( )6. the man wants to buy a pair ofshoes.

) 7. his shoe size is eight and a

) 8. the shoes costyuan.

) are toofor him to buy.

) last, the man doesn’tthe shoes.

四。篇章理解:你将听到一封linda 写的信及问题,请根据信的内容选选择正确的答案。(短文及问题读两遍)(5分)

) 11. a mikeb. jackc. martin.

) 12. a. tokyob. new yorkc. london.

) 13. a. she has lots of friendsb. she has some friends

c. she has few friends.

) 14. a. it is interesting with much money.

b. it is not interesting with much money.

c. it’s interesting with little money.

( )15. a to write soonb. to spend christmas holidays with her

c. both a and b.


一。 单项选择(20分)


) 1.-_dictionary is this? -it belongs to lily.

a. who’s b. whose c. what d. where

) 2. i got __a in this test.

a. the b. a c. an d. this

) 3. lucy __as a volunteer in chentang middle school last year.

a. works b. worked c. will work d. has worked

) 4. how do you study __a big test?

a. in b. for c. of d. about

) 5. if iyou,i’d do it better.

a. am b. wasc. were d. are

) 6. this math book __be linda’s. because it has her name on it.

b.must c. could

) 7. the young man would rather with his friends thanalone.

a.sing; to dance dance

c.to sing; to dance sing; dance

) 8 i play now i like it very much.

a .didn’ t used tob.didn’ t use to

c.wasn’t used tod.weren’t use to

) new words in the dictionary if you don’t understand them.

a.put up b.make up c.look for d.look up

) 10 my friends like to learn englishthe tapes.

a.to listen to b.listen to c.by listening to d.by listen to

) 11. -my sister reads english every morning after she gets up.

i like english a lot, too.

a.so does she i do c.so she does d. so do i

) 12. amy is not to drive a car on the street.

a.young enough b.enough young c.old enough d.enough old

)13.how do we __our problems?

deal c. deal withd. deal

)14.maybe you should find a pen pal to improve your english.


sounds like a fun way. are welcome. all tightd. it’s impossible.

) to choose their own clothes

be allowed bec. should be not allowed be allowed


)16. i am terried of the dark.

afraid of b. am worried about c. am interested in d. am good at

) the end, he won no.1 in english speech contest.

fact all last

) 18. there are plenty of trees on that mountain.

a. many b. much c. a fewd. a lot

) don’t you jion the english club.

you b. why not c. no matter what d. what do you

) is serious about running.

worried about afraid of good at d. is interested in


in some foreign countries, some people do not like the number 13. they don’t think 13 is a (21) number. for example, they don’t like to live on the thirteenth __22)__so there’s no number called “ thirteenth floor” in a building in their countries.

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