
发布 2021-12-30 21:18:28 阅读 9106



英语试题。考试时间:120分钟,满分:150分 )



第一部分听力 (共两节,满分30分)

第一节:听下面5段小对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中( )1. 第一节:(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


)1. what is the present for lin tao’s mother?

abc. ) 2. what does ben do probably?

a. b. c.

) 3. which instrument does d**id’s father play?

a. b. c.

)4. what kind of shows does the boy like?

a. bc.

) 5. what is the woman doing?

abc. 第二节:(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)



)6. why didn’t tom go to the party?

a. because he was illb. because he watched a match.

c. because he studied at home.


)7. how did the man know about the accident?

a. he saw it himselfb. he heard about it on the radio.

c. he watched it on tv.


)8. what’s the man’s dream?

a. to be a writerb. to be an artistc. to be a scientist.


)9. why doesn’t the man go to the talent show?

a. because he can’t sing or dance.

b. because he doesn’t like the show.

c. because he is quite shy.


)10. what is the man going to be?

a. an astronautb. a reporterc. a singer.



听第一段对话, 回答11至12题。

)11. what kind of matches did the woman watch?

a. table tennis matches. b. basketball matches. c. volleyball matches.

)12. where did the woman watch the matches?

a. on the playground of beijing university. b. in the bird’s nest

c. in the stadium of beijing university.

听第二段对话, 回答13至15题。

)13. where will the man go on the weekend?

a. to the theaterb. to the parkc. to the zoo.

)14. what does the man think of skating for girls?

a. interestingb. difficultc. dangerous.

)15. when did the woman start to skate?

a. weeks agob. months agoc. years ago.



)16. where was grandma nancy born?

a. in australiab. in americac. in england.

)17. what happened to grandma nancy in 1988?

a. she lost her husbandb. she lost many birthday cards.

c. she was out of work.

)18. how many dogs does grandma nancy h**e?

a. twelveb. fivec. seven.

)19. how long a day does grandma nancy work?

a. nine hoursb. ten hoursc. eleven hours.

)20. what does grandma nancy often do before supper?

a. she looks after her dogs. b. she draws dogs. c. she goes diving.




down. you.

)22.—andy, will you answer the telephone ? it __be your father.

—sorry, ii’m h**ing a shower.

a. can, mustn’t b. may, can’t c. must, needn’t

)23. —h**e you known dr. jackson for a long time?

—yes, since she __the chinese society.

a. joinedb. joinsc. has joined

)24. sarah got her washing machine___yesterday, but it doesn’t work now.

a. repairb. repairedc. to repair

)25. —did liu ying and liu li come to your birthday party, tina?

—i had invited them, but __of them showed up.

a. bothb. neitherc. none

)26. —do you know about that bridge?

—of course. it’s a __bridge.

a. 12 miles wide b. 12-miles-wide c. 12-mile-wide

)27. —will you h**e any problems if you __five minutes to read?

—well, i’m thinking about the new words. there are too many.

a. giveb. are givenc. will be given

)28. —dad, how can i get on well with my classmates?


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