
发布 2021-12-27 17:24:28 阅读 3744





. 听力 (每小题1分,共20分)

a) 听句子,选择最佳答语,每个句子读一遍。

)1. a. we’d love to. b. it’s nice of you to say so. c. don’t say so

)2. a. sorryb. that’s rightc. it doesn’t matter.

)3. a. i agreeb. it’s a pleasurec. let help you.

)4. a. see you later. b. excuse mec. yes, please.

)5. a. good luckb. it’s greatc. i’ll try it..

b) 听句子及问题,选择正确答案,每小题读两遍。

)6. a. fruitsb. vegetablesc. meat.

)7. a. about 3 kilometers away. b. about 4 kilometers away.

c. about 5 kilometers away.

)8. a. on mondayb. on tuesdayc. on wednesday.

)9. a. at a bookstorec. in a zoo.

)10. a. he is wellb. he isn’t well enough c. he is still badly ill.

)11. a. a singerb. a playerc. a nurse.

)12. for the test b. play table tennis c. visit her friends.

)13. a. because she needs a house near her office.

b. because she needs a more beautiful house .

c. because she needs a bigger house .

)14 a. mother and son. b. teacher and student. c. doctor and patient.

)15 footb. by busc. by bike.

d) 听短文和问题选择正确答案。短文读两遍。

) did mike’s mother ask him to do while she was away?

a. to wait for her. b. to clean the house. c. to look after the house..

a. in the park b. in the mountains c. in the aquarium (水族馆)

) did mike’s mother go?

market. river. c. the theater.

) is jim?

a. mike’s uncle. b. mike’s friend. c. mike’s cousin.

) would jim come to visit mike’s mother?

a. at 1:45 b. at 3:15 c. at 4:45

) should mike do?

a. lock the door before he went to see his mother.

b. make a call to his mother. c. go to see his mother with the door open.



a) 根据首字母提示填空。

1. if you want to sin passing the exam, you h**e to work hard.

2. how did you d___with the money?

3. on a___it weighs more than 26 tons.

4. this book is more expensive than that one, i can’t a___it.

5. how many acompeted at the 2008 olympics?

b) 用所给单词的适当形式填空。

am too tired. i can’t go any远).

7. thebuildingisthesecondhigh) inourtown.

8. everyone likes the cartoon pleasant goat and big big wolfinclude) me.

9 . they said hello to mesmile)at me .

10. welearn) ten english songs by the end of last term.

c) 从方框中选择短语,并用适当形式填空。

11. he told me to work hardothers.

12 what aboutdriving the car?

13. the old towersthe top of the mountain.

than skating.

you h**e

d) 选出与换线部分意思相同或相近的一项。

) doesn’t run as quickly as jim.

a. runs less quickly than b. runs as quickly as c. runs more quickly than

) i’d like two more cakes, i’m very hungry

a other two b. two another c. another two

)18. i wonder when the mall will open.

a. know b. want to know c know of

)19. he probably speaks english.

a. perhaps speak b. may be c. may speak

( )20. she spent all the day sending e-mails.

a. the whole b. whole the c. whole


) is __h” and __u” in the word “huge”.

a. a; an b. an,an c. an ;a d. a;a

) h**e never readinteresting story。

a such b. so c. such an d. so an

) population of china is __than __

a. larger, russia b. more, russia c. larger, that of russiad .more, that of russia


( )6 .thebook___be lucy’s becausehernameisonthecover.


一 短语。1.记流行歌曲中的单词2.英语口语3.编对话。4.查字典5.抱怨6.把 认作。7.紧张的,有压力的8.一个十五岁的少年9.以 为骄傲。10.对 关注11.打耳洞12考试不及格。13.在某方面对某人严格14.把 变为15.几天前。16.有机会做某事17.妨碍,阻止18.未经允许。19.喜欢他...


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