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2014-11-14 17:54 阅读(74)评论(0)


第ⅰ卷 (选择题, 共65分)


一) 录音中有五个句子,每个句子听一遍,然后从每小题a、b、c中选出能对每个。


)1. a. good idea. b. that’s all right. c. not at all.

)2. a. thank you all the same.

b. i’m sorry to hear that. c.

it’s kind of you to say so.

)3. a. oh, i love itb. i like skiing best. c. yes i’m sure.

)4. a. no, they aren’t super stars.

b. no, there aren’t. c.

yes, they are super stars.

)5. a. bad luck. b. i don’t agree. c. i’m afraid not.


)6. a. by car. b. by boat. c. by bike.

)7. a. 9016b. 9216c. 9116.

)8. a. a dance party. b. a chinese party. c. a dinner party.

)9. a. betty borrowed it. b. jim borrowed it. c. it’s lost.

)10. a. english. b. chinese. c. maths.

三)录音中有一段对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题a、b、c中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。the first speaker---julia the second speaker---helen

)11. a. iceland. b. ireland. c. australia.

)12. a. she has been to australia twice. b. she tr**el to australia twice a year.

c. she has never been to australia before.

)13. a. australia. b. america. c. ireland.

)14. a. on business. b. for a holiday. c. to see her grandson.

)15. a. yes, she often comes to australia. b. yes, she has been to australia once.

c. no, she has never been to australia before.


二、单项选择 (共20小题,计20分)


16. -how do you like __3d movie titanic?

-- oh, it’s really __wonderful one.

a. a, ab. a, the c. the, a d. the, the

17. wow! it’s __of you to kill two birds with one stone.

a. stupid b. easyc. dangerous d. clever

18. if the question __incorrectlyquestion will be given to you.

a. is answered, otherb. answers, the other

c. is answered, anotherd. answers, another

19. the father said nothing but looked at his son's school report.

a. angerb. angrier c. angrily d. more angry

20.__weather we are h**ing today!

a. what a fine b. what fine c. how fine d. how fine a

21. if all businesses go *****less, at least one million tons of *****___

a. will s**eb. is s**ed c. will be s**ed d. s**es

le**e the room __the light on.

a. with b. about c. ind. for

girl is lying on the grass with her eyes __

a. opening b. opened c. to be opening d. open

24. this is the best way i could think of __him __computer games.

a. to stop; playing b. stopping; playing c. stop; to play d. stopping; to play

25.– which book would you like to borrow?

of the two books is ok with me.

a. either b. both c. any d. none

26. aboutof the workers in the factory were born in the

a. two-thirds, 1970 b. two-thirds, 1970s c. two-third,1970 d. two-third, 1970s

27. -your name again? i __quite catch it. -bartholomew liveli.

a. didn’t b. don’t c. couldn’t d. can’t

28. -mum, why do you always make me eat an egg every day?

enough protein and nutrition as you are growing up.

a. get b. getting c. to get d. to be getting.

29. it's __from here to wuhan.

a. five hours’ train ride b. five hour's train's ride

c. five hours’ train's ride d. five hour's train ride

30. why don’t you __to cassettes?

a. listening b. listen c. listened d. listenning

31. –jim enjoys listening to pop music.

a. so does helen. b. also is helen c. helen likes also d. so helen does

she talks __she has madefriends here.

a. a little, a few b. little, few c. little, a few d. few, a few

33.– what’s the weather like tomorrow?

-- the radio says it is going to be even __

a. bad b. worst c. badly d. worse

34. the nurse told the children the sun __in the east.


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景泰三中2013 2014学年度第一学期九年级中期试卷。英语。考生注意 1.本试卷满分为150分,答题时间为120分钟。2 答案请按要求全部填写在答题卡上,否则不得分。考试结束只交答题卡。第一部分听力。听力 每小题1分,共20分 a 听句子,选择最佳答语,每个句子读一遍。1.a.we d love ...