
发布 2021-12-27 17:28:28 阅读 9871






) 1. a. b. c.

) 2. a. b. c.

) 3. a . bc.

) 4. a. b. c.

) 5. a. b. c.



) 6. where is the woman going?

a. the parkb. the zooc. the hospital.

) 7. how can she get there?

a. she can walk there. b. she can take a busc. she can take the train.


) 8. whose dictionary is this?

a. carla’sb. lucy’sc. mary’s.

) doesn’t the book belong to mary?

a. because tom’s name is on itb. because she loves dancing.

c. because she doesn’t like reading.


) 10. why does ann look upset?

a. she failed in the math exam. b.

she argued with her friend. c. she lost her book.

) 11. when did she argued with her friend?

a. yesterdayb. last nightc. this morning.


) 12. how long h**en’t they seen each other?

a. for five yearsb. for six yearsc. for seven years.

) 13. what did gary used to do?

a. she used to eat junk food and watch tv. b. she used to watch tv and exercise.

c. she used to eat meat and vegetables.

) 14. when does gary miss eating junk food?

a. when she is happyb. when she feels nervous. c. when she is too tired.


) 15. why won’t kitty come to the party tonight?

a. she is illb. she wants to watch tvc. she is not allowed to.

) 16. who buys clothes for kitty?

a. kittyb. henry’s motherc. kitty’s mother.

) 17. what is kitty allowed to do?

a. watch tv on school nights. b. study all nightc. h**e a pet.


) 18. how does mark feel after seeing his dentist?

a. happyb. painfulc. nervous.

) 19. how often does the woman go to the dentist?

a. once a yearb. twice a yearc. three times a year.

) 20. why doesn’t the woman want to see the dentist?

a. because she is too busyb. because she doesn’t like the pain.

c. because her teeth are good enough now.

第3节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


) number do some people dislike?

a. twelveb. thirteenc. fourteen.

) 22. why don’t people like the number?

a. they think it’s big. b. they think it’s unlucky. c. they think it’s boring.

) 23. what did jack do one day?

a. he asked his friends to dinnerb. he asked his friends to sit together.

c. he asked his friends to smile.

) 24. how did people look like at jack’s words?

a. happyb. angryc. unhappy

) 25. who would h**e a baby in a few weeks?

a. jack’s wifeb. mrs. brownc. jack’s sister

二 、单项选择,选择其中最恰当的一项(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)

)26.--xiao ming ,can you pass the final examination tomorrow?

i think it’s a piece of cake.

a. it’s very hardb i’ll pass it difficultly

can’t pass it easily will pass it easily.

)27.--i’m a very slow reader.

just read quickly to get the main read___

by day by word by step by one

)28.--i’m worried that i don’t know how __the work.

don’t worry! why not __the teacher for help., to ask finish, ask finish, asking ask

)29do you improve your speaking skills?

by __with groups., working work working d. what ,work

)30.--did you find __very interesting to play soccer?--yes,i like it very much.


一 短语。1.记流行歌曲中的单词2.英语口语3.编对话。4.查字典5.抱怨6.把 认作。7.紧张的,有压力的8.一个十五岁的少年9.以 为骄傲。10.对 关注11.打耳洞12考试不及格。13.在某方面对某人严格14.把 变为15.几天前。16.有机会做某事17.妨碍,阻止18.未经允许。19.喜欢他...


2014 2015学年第一学期期中质量检测。七年级语文试题。满分120分,时间120分 11月14日月考试题 附答案 分类 多练练吧 2014 11 14 17 54 阅读 74 评论 0 胜利一中2014 2015学年第一学期质量抽测。第 卷 选择题,共65分 一 听力选择 共15小题,计15分 ...


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