
发布 2021-06-24 12:21:28 阅读 6023



go, come, arrive, le**e, begin, start, join, marry 等;短暂性动词的肯定式不能与表示一段时间的for或since或how long等状语连用。例如:

his father got ill. i h**e received his letter.

但是,不可以说:his father got ill for a week.

i h**e received his letter for three days.


we h**en’t heard from jane for a long time.

i suppose something must h**e happened to her.

延续性动词是指动作发生后还可以延续一段时间或者相当长的一段时间。如:live, work, study, learn, sleep等,延续性动词可以和表示一段的时间状语连用。

值得注意的是,表示一段时间的状语除了“for+一段时间”外,还有since+n./从句(时间点),since+时间段+ago,疑问词how long,in the past+时间段,all these+时间段,from…to(时间点)以及till/until+n./句子等等。

例如:how long __your brother joined the army?

a. has b. had c. is it since d. was there that

通过审题,答案b和d很容易被排除,但是稍不注意便会选中答案a;殊不知how long为一段时间的状语,不能与非延续性动词短语has joined连用,所以这题的正确答案是c。


延续性动词的肯定式+till/ until 短暂性动词的否定式+till/ until

请看例句:we waited until he came.

i didn’t go to bed until my father came back home last night.



arrive→be herebegin(start)→be on

die →be deadcome back→be back

le**e →be away (fromfall ill(sick, asleep)→be ill(sick, asleep)

get up→be upgo out →be out

finish →be overput on →wear 或be on

open →be openjoin →be in或 be a member of…

close →be closedgo to school→be a student

borrow →keepbuy/get →h**e

catch(a cold)→ h**e(a coldget to know →know

begin to study→studycome to work→work

move to → live infinish/end → be over

come to → be insit down → be seated

marry → be marrieddress → be dressed等。

如:he has been a soldier for three years. 他参军三年了。

his father has been dead for two years. 他父亲去世二年了。

the film has been on for ten minutes. 电影已开始十分钟了。

we h**e studied english for three years. 我们(开始)学英语已三年了。

how long can i keep this book? 这本书我可以借多长时间?

除了用上面的转化形式之外,还可以用其他的表达形式:a. it is/ has been+时间+since……(动词用过去式),b.

主语+谓语(过去时)+时间+ago。 例如:

it’s five days since i received his letter.

his father died three years ago.



he left shanghai three days ago.

he has been away from shanghai for three days.

he has been away from shanghai since three days ago.

it is/ has been three days since he left shanghai.

three days has passed since he left shanghai.


所谓完成时就是已经完成的时态。包括现在完成时,过去完成时和将来完成时。一般用的比较多的,或者说平时我们接触的多的都时过去完成时和现在完成时。简介。过去完成时也就是发生在过去一件事情再过去的事情。如 i had eaten 10 eggs before he came.译 在他来之前我已经吃了10个鸡...


一般将来时 句子结构 肯定句主语 will 动词原型 其他 否定句主语 will not 动词原型 其他 疑问句 will 主语 动词原型 其他 will 可改为be going to 当主语是第一人称时will可用shall 关键词 tomorrow,tomorrow morning,at sev...


动词的时态。一般现在时。翻译以下句子。1.他在第三小学上学。他每天早上七点上学。no.3 primary school 2.父亲每天早晨都浇花。3.我女儿喜欢看电视和听 4.桑迪放学后打羽毛球吗?不。她学习很用功。放学后她总是看书。5.我每天六点钟起床。isix every morning.现在进行...