
发布 2021-06-04 06:16:28 阅读 5061



canadian officials are being more skilled at spottingfake documents andbogus marriages. some gangs use the sameapartment backdrops for all of theirphotographs of supposedbrides and grooms, and make the same mistake on alltheirforged documents。


在上面的报道中,bogus marriage就是为了移民外国而办理的“假结婚”,bogus的意思是“假的,伪造的”,请看例子:thereportercould not get to see the minister, so she made up apletely bogus interviewwith him。(记者见不到那位部长,于是她虚构了一篇对他的采访。

)假结婚行为是immigration fraud(入境移民诈骗)的一种手段。提供假结婚移民帮助的公司是boguspany(皮包公司),他们所伪造的文件就是bogus documents或forged documents。


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