英语口语 关于天气的日常口语句子

发布 2021-03-26 16:29:28 阅读 5334


一、天气。1、今天真热呀!it's very hot today, isn't it?

*isn't it? 带有“真……呀!”的语感。

= isn't it hot today?

= today's a scorcher.

*scorcher 为口语,“太阳火辣辣的天气”。

2、天气炎热。it's blistering hot.

= it's extremely hot.

3、今天的天气真好!it's a fine day today.

= it's beautiful today.

= it's nice today.

4、明天的天气怎么样?what's the forecast for tomorrow?

it's going to be cold. (会冷吧。)

= what will the weather be like tomorrow?

= what's the weather going to be tomorrow?

= what's tomorrow's forecast?

5、今天的天气怎么样?how's the weather today?

it's hot. (今天很热。)

6、糟糕的天气。it's miserable.

= it's a terrible day.

= it's an awful day.

7、我怕热。i'm sensitive to heat.

*sensitive “容易感觉到的,敏感的”。

8、今天风和日丽。it's breezy today.

9、下了瓢泼大雨。it's raining cats and dogs!

*用cat (猫)和dog (狗)来表示瓢泼大雨。可以说cats and dogs,却不能反过来说成dogs and cats。

10、下霜了。it's frosty today.

= it's a frosty day.

11、今天会下雨吗?is it going to rain today?

i doubt it. (我想不会。)

12、好像要下雨。we're expectin= it's going to rain.

= it's supposed to rain.

= rain is expected.

= i heard it might rain. (我听说今天可能下雨。)

13、下雨了。it's raining.

14、今天会下雨吧!it's going to rain today.

= it will rain today.

15、今天很热。it's hot today.

= it's really humid today. (今天很闷啊!)

yeah, my body is sweaty. (是呀,我浑身都是汗。)

16、气候干燥。it's dry.

it's wet today. (今天像要下雨。)

it's rainy today. (今天像要下雨。)

17、暴风雨天气。it's stormy.

= there is going to be a storm today. (今天将有暴风雨。)

18、下雪了。it's snowing.

19、yeah! let's go skiing. (太好了!我们去滑雪吧。)

20、天阴沉沉的。it's gloomy.

= it's cloudy. (阴天。)

22、台风快到了。a typhoon is coming.

= why are you taping your windows? (干吗往窗户上贴胶条?)

= a typhoon is on its way.

23、起雾了。it's foggy.

24、冷得像要结冰了。it's freezing.

= it's very cold today. (今天非常寒冷。)

= it's a breezy day.

25、快要下暴风雨了。we're going to h**e a blizzard.

26、看遇上雷阵雨。it looks like we are going to h**e a thunder shower.

今天的天气让人不舒服。it's uncomfortable today.= it's unpleasant today.

热死我了。the heat is killing me.

26、这天真舒服。it's pleasant.

= it's comfortable. (这天真舒服。)

= it's a nice day. (真是个好天。)

今天风和日丽。it's mild today.

*mild 表示气候“温暖的,温和的”。

雾蒙蒙的。it's misty.

天阴天。it's overcast today.

let's go sunbathing. (我们去做日光浴吧。)

but, it's overcast today. (可是,今天阴天。)

= it's cloudy today.

11、今天很暖和。it's warm today.

= it's a warm day.

12、今天很冷。it's cold today.

it sure is. (就是。)

13、今天冷嗖嗖的。it's chilly today.

= it's cool today.

= it's nippy today.

14、今天风很大。it's windy today.

15、今天很闷热。it's humid.


red sky at night,sailor’ sky in the morning,sailor take waring.


halo around the sun or moon ,rain or snowsoon.


when the stars begin to huddle ,the earth will soon become a puddle.

月明星稀。when ladybugs swarm,expect a day that’s warm.


if bees stay at home,rain will soon they fiy away ,fine will be the day.







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