
发布 2021-06-03 05:16:28 阅读 9612


1.地点题目:reserve a room / check in :机场登机;hotel入住登记。

2.动作题目:关于建议,need / should / how about...

what sbout...you'd better/why don't you...if i were you ,i would...


医患关系:doctor/physician/dentist/phychiatnist/vet/surgeon/patient/ prescription(药方)

上下级关系:manager / boss / secretary / staff

客服关系:hotel: porter / waiter / counter / receptionist(接待员)airport:

ticket / id card / flight / pasport / passenger / drink/ steward4.场景题目:

找工作:interview/clothing/surt/resume/impressive/workingexperience/ education background

学校:apply for scholarship / final exam / mid-term(exam) /term(semester)学期/register,registation注册/literatureclass文学课/optinalcourse选修课/laturer讲师/ stap up熬夜/ revise the *****修改**(*****一般指大学**)建议多听点英文歌曲,看歌词,然后听。。。注意连读。


1. nowadays,with the development of society and economy and the development ofpeople's living standard...

2. at present,there is a growing concern over the matter...among the geneeral


3. nowadays,an increasing number of people are concerned about...4.

in recent few years,the phenomenon of ..has been brought to publicattention .people's views on...

vary widely.5. these days ,we often hear about...

6. nowadays,there exists an increasingly serious social/ economic/ environmentalproblem.

7. thereisa general discussion todayabouttheof...thosewhocriticize...

arguethat...they believe that...but people who advocate...

on the other hand,arguethat...原因列举:

1. the phenomenon /change in...mainly due to the fact that...

2. one may regard the phenomenon as a sign of...3.

there are many reasons for this dramaticgrowth/

4. a number of factors can account for the change in...5.

another contributory factor of ..is...6.

why...perhaps the primary reason is...

7. the reasons are ****** but thought the list is...besides ..

last but not least...最后一条但也不是不重要的)观点陈述:

1. although a lot of people believe that ..i personally hold that...

2. as opposed to widely held believe that...

3. although the popular belief is that...but a current study indicates that...

4. they may be right about...but they seem to neglect the fact that...

5. although it is widely accepted that...it is unlikely to be true that...

利弊说明:1. the advantages of a is outweigh any benefit we gain from b.

2. good as a is ,it has its own one thing,it...another...it...举例论证:

1. i can't think of no better illustration than the following one .2.

this case effectively derify the fact that...归纳总结:

1. we may draw the conclusion that...

2. all the evidence supports an unshakeable conclusion that...3.

it is high time that we placed great emphasis on...

4. it is time we put an end to the undesirable phenomenon of...5.

further attention must be paid to the problem of...

6. it is necessary that effective actions be taken to prevent the situation.7.

hence ,it is imperative for us to take drastic measures/ steps.

should appeal totheauthoritiesto makestrictlaws tocontrol thisproblem.建议措施:

1. we should enhance/ cultivate the awareness of people that this issue is vitalfor us.

2. only in this way can we solve the problem.(注意倒装语序)

3. i believe we humans can overcome this difficulty and we will h**e a brighterfuture.




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