高考倒装结构重点扫描 mirror

发布 2021-05-30 11:16:28 阅读 5519


完全倒装out, in, up, down, away等副词与动词构成短语,突出主语动作。

1) the door opened. in came an old lady.

the bell rang. out rushed the students.

(out of the classroom rushed the students.)

注意:the bell rang. out they rushed.

类似:here is your book. (here it is.)

there they are.

2) 不及物静态动词与表方位或存在的介词短语构成完全倒装。(注意主语在后)

in the middle of the forest lies a small lake.

on top of the hill stands a tall tree.

in that old distant village existed a kind ghost.

3) there, here, now, then 放句首。

there comes the bus. (不用进行时态!!!

the bus is coming here.)

here we agree.

now comes your turn.

部分倒装 借助于助动词或情态动词构成类似一般疑问句的倒装)

1) 否定副词放句首。

not, no, never, neither, nor,seldom, little, nowhere, hardly, (barely, rarely, scarcely, )等。

*never h**e i seen a more fantastic movie.

*seldom does he go to visit museums.

* little does/did he know that he has/had hurt her that much.

* nowhere can you enjoy such beautiful scenery .

*--i can not understand a foreign movie without the help of the caption.

-- neither can i.


* -i h**e seen the 3d edition of the titanic.

-- so h**e i.

-i’m a studemt and play football well.

- so it is with me.

* hardly had the game begun when it started raining.

no sooner had he sat down than the phone rang.

* not until 1972 did the war finally come to an end.

对比: it was not until 1972 that the war finally came to an end. (强调句式还原)

not until you’ve finished this are you going out.

对比:until she spoke i hadn't realized she wasn't english.

时态:'can i go out and play now?' not until you've done your homework.'

* 否定介词短语放句首相当于否定副词,句子不完全倒装。

by no means ,at no time,in no case,in no way, in/under no circumstances,

on no condition……

in no time 放句首句子不倒装)

in no way will we use nuclear weapons first.

2) not only…but also

not only is she good at mathematics, but (also) she is interested in english as well.

not only do the nurses want a pay increase, they want reduced hours as well.

3) only 引导状语放句首。

only then did she tell him about the attack.

only in this way will we live in harmony with each other.

only when the government stops interfering will we see any improvement in our schools.

但是:only the president can authorize a nuclear attack.

4) so/such…that 结构倒装。

he was so weak that he could hardly stand up.

so weak was he that he could hardly stand up.

there was so much smoke that they couldn't see across the hallway.

so much smoke was there that they couldn’t ..

he is such a good teacher that all his pupils like him.

such a good teacher is he that all his pupils like him.

特殊倒装 1) 虚拟条件句倒装加省略。

* if i were you, i would accept their offer.

were i you,

* if i should attend the meeting, i would voice my own opinion about it.

should i attend the meeting,

* if he had been informed of the news, he would h**e made a certain response.

had he been informed of the news,


* though he was a little boy, he could deal with such a tough issue.

little boy as/though he was, he could deal with such a tough issue.

* although we worked hard, we lost the game at last.

hard as we worked, we lost the game.

* though he might try, i’m not sure of his pass.

try as he might, i’m not sure of his pass.

3)让步状语从句 2

however hot it is, he will not take off his coat. =no matter how hot it is (主谓不倒装,类似感叹句式)

however many customers there are, anyone will be welcomed by our waiters. =no matter how many customers there are, …

4) 表语部分倒装 (系表结构,动词+静态词ing形式, 动词ed形式)

present at the meeting were the representatives from different schools.

attending the meeting were the representatives from different schools.

seated in the front of the classroom was a professor from nanjing university.

gone are the days when(定语从句) they could do what they liked to the chinese people.

5) the + 比较级+主谓;the +比较级+ 主谓。

it is believed that the harder one works, the greater progress he will make.


you can never imagine how terrible i felt at that moment.



类型情况例句。not a word did i say to him.句首状语为否定词或半否定词的句子。这类词或短语主要有never,neither,nor,little,seldom,rarely,hardly,scarcely,nosooner,not only,in no way,at not...


吉林教育。甘肃省甘谷县第五中学颉耀辉。百。鐾 苎兰坌兰全茎。一。而。二是若提前的是动词原形,与之连用的通常是等,且这些动词都保留在。原来的位置上。例。小结部分倒装句的教学应抓住以下几点 要求学生记住部分倒装句的结构 根据上句或主句,准确判断倒装句的时态 结合倒装句的主语,选择正确的助动词。七或 主语...


倒装句用法总结专题。英语最基本的语序是主语在前,谓语动词在后。但有时由于句子结构的需要或表示强调,就要采用倒装形式。倒装分为全部倒装和部分倒装,将谓语动词完全移到主语之前称为完全倒装,只将助动词或情态到主语之前称为部分倒装。一 完全倒装 主谓倒装 是指把谓语全部提到主语的前面。例 1.以here,t...