
发布 2021-05-30 11:13:28 阅读 2892


1. 疑问句中,一般须部分倒装。如:

how long h**e you been here? 你来这儿多长时间了?

what do you think about the movie? 你认为这场电影怎么样?

why doesn’t he come here? 他为什么没来这儿?


who did it just now? 刚才谁干的?

what happened last night? 昨天晚上发生了什么事?

2. 否定词no, none, neither, nor, nobody, nothing, never,或半否定词hardly, seldom, scarcely, barely, little, few, 否定词的短语not until, by no means, not only…but also…, in no way, neither …nor…, in no time, no sooner…than…, hardly…when…, 及频度状语副词every day, every other day, many a time, often等位于句首时,一般须部分倒装。如:

neither do i know him. 我也不认识他。

no word did he say before he left. 他一句话没说就走了。

little didi know about it. 我对它了解得不多。

not only did he come, but also he brought us good news. 他不但来了,而且给我们带来了好消息。

often did he come here with a good smile on his face. 他来这里时,脸上挂着笑容。

3. only + 状语,置于句首时,一般须用部分倒装。如:

only when i got there did i know the truth. 我只有到那里时才知道事情的真相。

only in the morning can you meet him. 你只有在早晨见到他。

注意:1) only + 状语不在句首时,不可倒装,如:

i wrote to him only yesterday. 我就在昨天给它取了封信。

2) only + 名词做主语时,不可倒装。如:

only li lei can answer this question. 只有李蕾能回答这个问题。

4. as / though引导让步状语从句时,一般须用部分倒装。如:

old as / though he is, he workslike a young man. 尽管他很老了,但他工作起来却像个年轻人。

hard as / though he was working, he didn’t pass the exam. 虽然他一直在努力学习,但他还是没有通过那次考试。

try again as / though he will, he can’t succeed. 尽管他还会再试一试,但是它不会成功。

as / though引起的倒装分三种情况:表语、动词原形及状语的倒装。

1) 表语的倒装。一般直接将表语提前到句首,若表语是带不定冠词a / an的单数可数名词,倒装后,不定冠词a / an须被省略。如:

fine as / though he looks, he is ill with some serious diseases.

child as / though he is, he knows much about the society.

2) 原形动词的倒装。a. 动词前面带有情态动词may, might, will, would, can, could等时,只将行为动词提到句首,而这些情态动词保留在原处。

b. 若动词前面没有情态动词时,应在动词原来的位置加上助动词do的适当形式。c.


swim as / though he can, he can’t swim so far. 尽管他会游泳,但是他游不得那么远。

run as / though he did, he didn’t run fast enough to catch the bus. 虽然他跑,但是他跑得不够快而没有赶上汽车。

3) 状语倒装。如:

in the classroom as / though he stays, he doesn’t read his texts. 尽管他呆在教室里,但他不读书。

ccarefully as / though he worked, he made some mistakes. 尽管他工作很细心,但还是除了一些差错。

5. may用来表示祝愿时,一般用部分倒装。如:

may you h**e a good journey. 祝你旅途愉快。

may you succeed. 祝你成功。

6. 当虚拟条件句的谓语含有were, had, should时,可将if省略,而将were, had, should提到句首,形成部分倒装。如:

were he here, we would h**e no difficulty with it. 要是他在这儿的话,我们就不会有难处了。

had you worked hard, you would h**e finished it early. 要是你工作努力的话,你将早就完成了。

7. 当so 用来连接不同的人或物具有相同的情况时,可用部分倒装。如:

tom can speak chinese. 汤姆会讲汉语。

so can mary. 玛丽也会讲汉语。

mr. li has gone to america. 李先生去美国了。

so has mrs. li. 李夫人也去美国了。


li lei is good at his lessons. 李蕾的功课学得好。

so he is. 他的确学得好。

wei fang went to the cinema last night. 魏方昨晚去看过电影。

so she did. 她的确去看过(

8. 结构so…that…/ such…that…引导状语从句,当so或such提到句首时,主句须用倒装语序。如:

so interesting is that story that everyone wants to read it. 那个故事那么有趣,大家都想看。

so good a girl is she that we all like her. 她是一个如此好的女孩,我们大家都喜欢她。

比较) such a good girl is she that we all like her. 她是一个如此好的女孩,我们大家都喜欢她。

9. 感叹句中的倒装。如:

isn’t it beautiful! 难道还不漂亮!

aren’t you content with it! 难道还不知足!


1. 以 here, there, now, then, out, in, up, down, off, away 等方向性副词开头的句子,且句子主语是名词时,句子用完全倒装。如:

here comes the bus. 公共汽车来了。

now comes your turn. 现在该你了。

then came a new difficulty. 这时又产生了一个新的困难。

the door opened and in came mr li. 门开了,李先生进了来。


the door opened and in she came. 门开了,她走了进来。

2. 将表语和地点状语(多为介词短语)置于句首加以强调时,其后通常用倒装语序。如:

among them was my friend jim. 他们当中就有我的朋友吉姆。

around the lake are some tall tree. 湖的四周有些高树。



考点。一 完全倒装。一 在here,there,now,then,away,down,in,up,off,out等副词开头的句子中 主语一般为名词,谓语动词为be,come,go,run等 常使用完全倒装。考例 hearing the dog barking fiercely,away2009上海 ...


考点一。否定词never,hardly,nor,seldom,little,not only,not until,no sooner than hardly when 等。频度副词如often,always,then,once,now and then等。在句首时,要用部分倒装。形式 否定词频度副词...


作者 杨宏。课堂内外 教师版 2013年第04期。摘要 语法是语言使用的规则,对语言实践有着积极的指导作用,因此,学习语言,尤其是学习外语,不学习语法是不行的。我们从近几年的高考要求中不难看出,听 读 写及综合运用能力的检测构成了高考试题的主旋律。而高效率的语法教学,才能更好地培养学生听 说 读 写...