
发布 2020-01-03 22:52:28 阅读 5195





here, there, up, down, out, away, now, then,

there was a sudden gust of wind and away went his hat.

in each room are ten students. 每个房间里有十个学生。


not, never, neither, seldom, little, nowhere, hardly, scarcely, rarely, no longer, not until, at no time, by no means, on no account, in no case, under no circumstances, on no account, not only … but also…。

nowhere in the world can you find a man who loves you so much.

not until he came back did i le**e. (注意:只能是主句的主谓倒装)

on no account will the manager tolerate rudeness from his employees.

考点三: as +adj. /adv.

以及“to such a degree, to such an extent, to such a point.”放在句首, 表示程度,句子要倒装。

to such an extent did his health deteriorate that he was forced to retire.

so diligently does he work that he often forgets to eat and sleep.

考点四:虚拟语气中,省去if 后, 从句需要倒装。

had he not been promoted, he never h**e remained with the company.

(= if he had not been promoted, …

should you change your mind, no one would blame you.

were he to le**e today, he would get there by monday.

had i known what was going to happen, i would never h**e done such a thing.

本来为if i had known what…

考点五:“only + 状语”放在句首时,句子需要倒装。

only by working hard can you achieve your goal.

only in this way can we solve this problem successfully and effectively.

考点六: 由as 或though 引导的让步状语从句有时也用倒装句,即把表语或部分谓语提前。

patient though / as he was, he was unwilling to wait three hours.


child as / though he was, he had a good command of english.


try as he might, he couldn’t the box. 不管他想什么办法, 都没法打开那个箱子。

考点七:由be 引起的倒装句表示让步,并带有虚拟语气的结构特点,即 be 用原形。

the business of each day, be it selling goods or shipping them, went quite smoothly.

( be it selling…= whether in may be selling …)


be it so humble, there is no place like home.

( be it so humble = however humble it may be,…)



一 英语中构成疑问句 除对主语或主语之定语提问的特殊疑问句外 通常须使用倒装结构,这是语法结构的需要。例如 1 when are we going to drink to your happiness?我们什么时候喝你们的喜酒?2 h e you seen the film?你看了那部电影吗?3 h...


11 there entered a strange little man.走进来一个奇怪而身材又矮小的人。there lived an old fisherman in a village by the sea.从前,海边的一个村子里住着一位老渔夫。在叙述性和描绘性的书面语中,这种结构若带有地点状...


there be句型。全部倒装表方向 地点的副词主语为名词 全倒装。将谓语置于主语前 或介词短语位于句首主语为代词 不倒装。down,up,in,out,here,there,away,off,over 否定词位于句首 not,never,little,seldom,hardly,nowhere,n...