
发布 2021-05-24 14:12:28 阅读 6191









一)、read, tick or cross. 判断下列单词与**是否相符,相符的打“√”不符的打“×”

1. picture2. driver

) 3. soup4. long hair

二)、read and choose. 选出下列单词中不同类的一项。

) 1. a. teacher b. uncle c. cousin

) 2. a. spoon b. bowl c. noodles

) 3. a. table b. bedroom c. sofa

) 4. a. shoe b. strong c. quiet

) 5. a. maths book b. english book

c. notebook

) 6. a. fan b. computer c. window

) 7. a. milk b. chicken c. juice

) 8. a. farmer b. nurse c. boy

) 9. a. fridge b. study c. kitchen

) 10. a. teacher’s desk b. chair

c. schoolbag

三)、read, choose and write. 读一读,选择正确的单词补全句子。

1. letme/my) clean the classroom.

2. my friend is a girlhis/her) name is lucy.

3. mr jonesh**e/has) black glasses.

4. the candiesis/are) in the box.

5. i’d like some chicken andnoodles/noodle) for dinner.

6. weh**e/has) a new classroom. let’s go and see.

7. how manypeoples/people) are there in your family?

8. what’s youruncle’s/uncle) job?

四)、read, choose and write. 看图,选择正确的单词补全句子或对话。

1. a: what’s your father’s job?

b: he’s a

2. a: where are the books?

b: they’re on the

3. a: what’s in your schoolbag?

b: three keys, two toys and an

4. my friend has bluei h**e a green bag.

5. a: is jenny in the

b: yes, she is.




一) 、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(每小题1分,共5分)

) 1. a. cousin b. chicken c. kitchen

) 2. a. phone b. spoon c. people

) 3. a. soup b. shoe c. strong

) 4. a. quiet b. light c. right

) 5. a. here b. hair c. hat


) 1. a. face b. make

) 2. a. big b. five

) 3. a. nose b. hot

) 4. a. milk b. big

) 5. a. duck b. up

) 6. a. bed b. she


1. schoola. book

2. storyb. bag

3. bedc. board

4. blackd. ball

5. baskete. room


) 1. turn on the light ab.

) 2. beefab.

) 3. strongab.

) 4. go to the bathroom ab.

) 5. noodlesab.

(五) 、根据**及首字母提示,写词语补全句子。

1. there is a p___on the wall.

2. i h**e a c___b

3. the girl is my friend. she has long h___

4. there is a tv in the l___r

5. —what would you like?

—i'd like some vplease

6. he's a f



英语词汇的学习对于提高英语的听说读写能力非常重要。现在向同学们介绍一些通过实践证明比较有效的学习及记忆英语单词的强化积累方法,用适合自己的方法去学习和记忆单词,就能提高学习效率,做到事倍功半。英语词汇的积累,首先要学会用不同的方法获知单词的意思。1 在阅读文章时遇到生词,作者有时会用同位语解释难单词...

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在教学过程中,常常听到学生抱怨,单词太难记了 是的,在英语学习过程中,学生普通感到困难的是记忆单词,为了减轻学生负担,提高学生的记忆效率,我把如何提高学生的记忆作为研究课题,通过探索得出如下粗浅的几点体会。一 对学生进行瞬时记忆训练,培养提高学生的记忆力。美国心理学家阿特金森把记忆分为三种存储信息系...