2019高考英语高频词汇 第62期

发布 2021-05-24 14:09:28 阅读 6383

1. now and then时而,不时。

联想] now that既然,由于。

for now 目前,眼下。

from now on 从现在开始。

right now 立刻。

just now 刚才。


2. plenty of 充足的。

联想] a great/large number of 大量的。

a great deal of 大量的。

a great/large amount of 大量的。

a great many 大量的。

3. opinion n.

词义] 意见, 见解 n.

同/近义词] idea 看法。

thought 想法。

attitude 态度。

belief 信念。

concept 概念。

conclusion 结论。

theory 理论。

view 看法。

必掌握搭配] opinon (of/about sb/sth)意见; 看法; 主张:

opinion on 对…的看法。

h**e a high/low/good/bad opinion of sb/sth 对某人/某事持支持或批评的观点。

be of the opinion that...主张。认为。

例] what's your opinion of the new president?


he asked his wife's opinion on every important decision.


they h**e a very high opinion of paula's work.


i'm of the opinion that he is right. 我认为他对。

4.honor n.

词义] 荣誉; 信誉n.

派生词] honorable可敬的adj.

同/近义词] dignity 尊严。

glory 荣誉。

必掌握搭配] an honor to sth/sb给某事物[某人]增光的人或事物:

do sb an honour; do sb the honour (of doing sth)给某人以特权;

h**e the honour (of sth)获得某种特殊的荣幸:

in honour of sb/sth; in sb's/sth's honour出於对某人[某事物]的敬意:

honor sb/sth (with sth)向某人[某事物]致敬; 表扬某人。

例] she is an honour to her profession.


you do us a great honour by attending.


may i h**e the honour of this dance?


we will hold a ceremony in honour of those killed in battle.


i feel highly honoured by your trust.

我得到您的信任, 感到十分荣幸。

will you honour me with a visit?


5.purpose n. vt. 过去式,过去分词-d, -d; 现在分词purposing

词义] 目的, 意向n. 意欲, 企图vt.

派生词] purposely故意地adv.


同/近义词] aim 目的。

goal 目标。

plan 计划。

target 目标,靶子。

will 意愿。

必掌握搭配] on purpose并非偶然地; 故意地:

serve one's/the `purpose适合需要; 适合要求; 令人满意:

to little/no/purpose几乎徒劳地。

例] `did he break it accidentally?' no, on purpose.'

他是无意中损坏的吗?’‘不, 是故意的。’

we h**e found a meeting-place that will serve our purpose.


money has been invested in the scheme to little purpose.


实战演练]1. my sister was against my suggestion while my brother was __it.

a. in honor of b. in memory of c. in f**or of d. in search of

答案:c。in f**or of 意为:喜欢,支持;in honor of 为了授予荣誉;in memory of为了纪念;in search of 为了寻找。

___of this weekend’s activity is going out with some good friends.

a. idea b. opinion c. mind d. thought



3,。we always keepspare *****, in case we ran out.

a. too much b. a number of c. plenty of d. a good many

答案:c. 本句意为:我们一直都准备着足够的纸张,以防用完。

4.— do you meet every weekend?

no. but we do meetnot regularly.

a. now and then b. sometime c. from now on d. some times

there was such long queue for coffee at the interval that weg**e up.

a. eventually b. unfortunately c. generously


在(戏剧﹑ 电影﹑ **会等的)幕间休息等着买咖啡的人太多了,我们最后放弃了。eventually最后,最终;purposelfully有目的地; 有决心地,跟题干中的g**e up矛盾。


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