
发布 2021-05-23 21:59:28 阅读 6672


units 5-6 (b3)



1.advertise vt. &vi.登广告,做广告。

i advertised my car for sale.

advertise on tv/in a news***** for sb./sth.

advertise a meeting, a concert, a job

2.charge n. vt.主管;充气(电);负责;要价;控告。

how much do you charge for a room with a bath?

he was charged with bribery.他被控告收取贿赂。

in charge of负责;in (under) the charge of a person由某人负责;take charge of接管……,担任……;free of charge免费地(的)

3.blame vt. n.责备,谴责,归咎于;责怪,责任。

blame sb. for sth./blame sth. on sb.责备某人某事。

be to blame for sth.(对某坏事等)负责任。

they blamed him for the accident.

=they blamed the accident on him.

=he was to blame for the accident.

take the blame for…承担……的责任。

4.accuse vt.控告;谴责。

the police accused him (of theft).

he was accused of murder.

she accused him of being late.

6.get across传播;为人理解。

it took me an hour to get my invention across to her.

the message got across at last.

7. attach vt.系;贴;附加;认为有(重要性等)

attach sth. to sth.把某东西系到某东西上。

attach yourself to sb./sth.加入;使隶属于。

be attach to sb./sth.依恋;留恋。

8. make sense有意义,有道理,讲得通。

this sentence doesn?t make sense.

it makes sense to take care of your health.

can you make sense of what this writer is saying?

common sense常识;in a (some) sense在某种意义上。

there is no sense in doing sth.(做某事)没道理。

9. keep up维持,保持。

i hope the weather will keep up.

the noise kept up for all night.

the good news keep our spirit up.

how do you keep this large house?

keep an eye out for sb./sth.留心或注意某人/物。

keep a close watch on密切注意。

keep away from避开,离开;keep back防止,隐瞒。

keep on继续;keep off…离开,使不接近。

keep out (of)不进去,置身于……外,从……离开。

keep up with跟上,不落后;keep in touch with保持联系。


2016届高三英语重点词汇与短语高中三年级英语学案。units 1 2 b3 知识网络 一 重点词汇与短语。1 conclude vt.vi.得出结论,断定 结束 达成。what do you conclude from the facts?we concluded an agreement wit...


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高中三年级英语学案。units 1 2 b3 知识网络 一 重点词汇与短语。1 conclude vt.vi.得出结论,断定 结束 达成。what do you conclude from the facts?we concluded an agreement with the enemy and ...