
发布 2021-05-23 21:58:28 阅读 7459


units 1-2 (b3)



1.conclude vt. vi.得出结论,断定;结束;达成。

what do you conclude from the facts?

we concluded an agreement with the enemy and soon made peace.

conclusion n.结论;结束;结尾;鉴定。

come to/draw/reach a conclusion得出结论。

2.set down记下,写下。

he tried to set his ideas down.

at the beginning of his letter dan set down the date.


set about着手做某事,set an example树立榜样,set aside放在一边搁置,set free释放,set off动身,出发,set out动身,出发,开始做……,set up竖起来,建立,set sail to/from/for…起航。

3.fade vi.凋谢,褪色;(声音)变弱,vt.使褪色。

will the color in this material fade?

sunlight faded my curtains.

the custom is fading.

4.inspect vt.检查,视察,察看 inspection n.

the detective inspected the room for fingerprints.

all food shops should be inspected regularly.

carry out frequent inspections进行经常性检查。


5.confirm vt.证实,确定;确认,批准。

what you say confirms my opinion.

the government confirmed me in my possession of the land.

can you confirm that you?ll be able to attend?

6.burst into cheers爆发出欢呼声。

burst vi.爆裂,突然发作,n.爆裂(炸),裂口。

my shopping bag burst as i was le**ing the supermarket.

on hearing the news, she burst into tears.

相关表达:burst into tears/laughter突然大哭/大笑。

burst into song/bloom/view/sight突然唱起歌来/开花/景观(奇观)突然出现。

7.familiar adj.熟悉的;精通的;亲密的。

sth./sb. be familiar to sb.某物/人为某人所熟悉。

sb. be familiar with sth./sb.某人熟悉某物/与某人亲密。

8.center on将某人(物)当作中心或重点。

concentrate on专心致志于。

类似短语:attend on侍候……,看护……,照料;call on访问,号召;depend on取决于……,依……而定;feed on以……为食;fix one?s eyes on盯住……;go on继续;keep on坚持……;live on靠……生活;look on (sb as)看待(作)……

9.bring up教育,养育;提出,引出;呕吐。

bring up the question提出问题。

he was brought up by his uncle.

she brought up all the food she had eaten.

归纳:bring in获利,赚,引进;bring about带来,引起;bring down使……降低。


1.place, station, situation, position, post与site




如:the hotel stands in a good situation.这旅馆位于一个很好的位置。


如:the position of a city on a map城市在地图上的位置。



2.such as, for example与namely

such as用于列举,往往不能事物全部列出。可以以“名词+such as+被列举的事物”和“such+名词+as+被列举的事物”形式出现。

fox example用于举例说明,可以用于句首、句中、名末,往往用逗号隔开for example和被列举的事物。


writers such as lu xun and ba jin are well?known to all.


i h**e never seen such a bright student as she/her.


he is fluent in several foreign languages, for example, french and spanish.


only one person can do the job, namely you.



1.impressive as the record is, it fades next to the story of armstrong’s struggle against disease.


impressive a



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