
发布 2021-05-23 22:02:28 阅读 9766


1.以某人的名字命名be named after sb

2.建造埃菲尔铁塔to construct the eiffel tower

3.事先做某事do sth in advance

4.使用了大约七百万个铆钉use approximately 7 million bolts

5.巴黎人不喜欢它be not popular with the people of paris

6.想把它拆掉want to pull it down

7.最受欢迎的旅游景点之一one of the most popular tourist attractions

8.它被证明是巴黎最受欢迎的旅游点。 it proves to be the most popular place in paris to visit.

9 .铁塔被留了下来the tower remains.

10.人们去巴黎只是为了看埃菲尔铁塔 people go to paris just to see the eiffel tower.

11.位于…地方be situated in / on

12.被认为是最有创意的设计之一 be recognized as one of the most original designs

13.与一位著名的建筑师有关in connection with a prominent architect

14.他的想法没有被实施his ideas were not put into practice.

15.工程在进行中the construction gets under way.

16….代表着澳大利亚be representative of australian

17.保持 / 抓住不放hold on to /hold on to one’s hand

18.底于海平面lie below sea level

19.在遇到困难的时候in times of difficulty

20.立即采取有施做某事take immediate measures to do sth /take measures immediately to do sth.

21.就规模而言in terms of size / scale

22.俯视整个港口dominate the whole harbour

第二课。1.作出许多重要的发现made many important discoveries.

2致力于研究devote oneself to researches / be devoted to one’s research

3.减轻某人ease sb. of sth.

4.为公司的成功作出了重要的贡献 make an important contribution to the company’s success.

5.将… 应用于apply … to … eg: apply theory to practice.

申请护照apply for a passport

6.新的发现在工业中的应用the application of a new discovery to industry

7.提醒某人某事warn sb. of sth.

warn sb. against doing sth / warn sb. against sth.

warn sb.(not)to do sth

8.担心, 担忧be concerned about

9.视…为理所当然take … for granted that …

凡事不能想当然never take anything for granted take … for granted that …

10.躲避,遮挡shelter oneself from …

11.保护自己免遭x 光的伤害 protect sb. from x-ray burns

12.科学界scientific circle

13.质量管理,质量控制quality control

14.尽力 / 努力做某事make efforts to do sth.

15 .获物理学奖receive the prize for physics

16. x光时代的诞生the birth of the era of x-rays

17.获得了很多荣誉与奖项receive many honours and prizes

18.逐步意识到x光可能给人类带来的损害 a growing awareness of the damage x-rays can do

19.把某人看作look upon sb as…

20.与…相比in comparison with …

21.最少量的…**a minimum supply of

22.满足对…的需要meet the demand for …

满足满足某人的需要meet the needs of sb.

第三课。1.坦诚地扑剖析/分析自己analyze oneself with total honesty

2.仔细分析问题made a careful analysis of the problem.

3.使自己适应某事adapt (oneself) to sth

4.她日记的改编部分an adapted part of her diary

5.对一些无辜的人残忍be so rude to some innocent people

6.混淆黑白confuse black and white

7.大约一个月以后a month or so later

8.担心被发现/怕被发现而提心吊胆in fear of discovery/being discovered

9.帮助某人come to one’s aid

10.使某人感到沮丧weigh sb./sth. down

11.坚持某人的立场hold one’s ground

12.躲藏起来go into hiding

13.坚持某人的理想hold fast to one’s ideals

14.记日记keep a diary

15.我已经到了不在乎生死的地步了i h**e reached the stage where i don’t care whether i live or die.

16. 坚信真、善、美believe in the true, the good and the beautiful

17.结果遇到可怕的现实only to meet the horrible reality

18.实现某人的理想carry out /realize one’s ideals

19.尽管有这样那样的问题in spite of everything

20.人们的内心是善良的people are good at heart.


destroyed,destroyed v.破坏。注意该词与ruin,damage等词的区别 destroy 多指彻底地 毁灭性地破坏,含导致无用,不能或很难再修复的意味。ruin 多指因外部原因而受到严重破坏或毁灭,侧重破坏的彻底性 也可用于引申意义,如。ruin one s future,rui...

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