
发布 2021-05-22 19:26:28 阅读 5391



例句。this varies.这会变化的。

everybody loves you.每个人都喜欢你。the good is the beautiful.

好的就是美的。we perceive attractive people as likable.我们认为俊美的人可爱。

主语+动词+间接宾语+直接宾语(svoo)i'll ask you a question.我要问你一个问题。



in the nineteenth century, people believed in progress.在19世纪,人们相信进步。(sv句型,增加了状语)for the last 25 years, for example, i've prepared an annual christmas letter for long-distance friends.

例如,在过去25年里,我一直为远方的朋友每年写一张圣诞贺卡。(svo句型,增加了状语、插入语、定语)change was not always this rapid.变化并不总是这样快的。


no one really expects a vacation trip to produce a close friend.没有人真的指望一次假日旅行就能结交到一位好友。(svoc句型,增加了状语、定语)

the scientific method has shown us endless marvels and wonders.科学方法向我们展示出了无穷的奇迹。(svoc句型,增加了定语)

my friend beth was very ambitious.我的朋友贝思雄心勃勃。(svc句型,增加了同位语、定语、状语) be句型。

在there be句型中,there放在主语的位置,真正的主语是be动词后面的名词词组,谓语动词通常为be,be随人称、数、时态、情态等而变化。例如:

there isno food that is essential, but there are nutrients that are necessary for good health.没有哪种食物是必不可少的,但有些营养成分对身体健康是不可缺少的。

there hadn't beenany rain for months. the earth was bare and dry. there wasn't a blade of grass growing anywhere.


there mightwell be a trace of truth to the stereotype.老套话也许有点儿道理。

note 1:除be之外,一些表示存在、位置移动等意义的不及物实义动词也可以用在there句型中。常用的有seem, appear,live, lie, remain, exist, happen等,例如:

so long as human beings remain curious,there seemsno doubt that the whodunit, in all its various forms, will continueto exert its fatal attraction.只要人类依然好奇,那么毫无疑问,各种各样的侦探**就将继续发挥它们致命的**力。i don't think she ever understood why her genuinely good intentions were scorned by the media, whythere appearedto be a permanent quest on their behalf to bring her down我想她一直都没明白为什么她发自内心的良好愿望却受到媒。


there followeda long period of peace and prosperity.随后一段相当长的和平繁荣时期到来了。note 2:

there be的特殊结构:

1)there is no use (in) doing。此结构意为“……是没有用的”。there is可改为it is。如:

there is/it is no use asking her—she doesn't know anything.问她是没有用的,因为她什么都不知道。2)there is no point ( sense)+ in +动名词。


there isno point inwasting our summer holiday here.在这里浪费我们的暑假是毫无意义的。

there is no sense in****** him angry.惹恼他毫无意义。note 3:

在使用there be结构时,应避免以下错误:1)there + be句型不能与since连用。如:

*there are three years since we last met.

it's three years since we last met.自从我们上次见面至今已经三年了。2)there be结构表示“某地有……”所以一般不与“has”或“h**e”连用。

如:*there has a man at the door. he wants to speak to you.

there isa man at the door. he wants to speak to you.门口有个人。

他想跟你谈谈。3)在使用there be结构时,特别要注意不要出现双谓语,例如:* are there no people in the world help me during this crisis?

are thereno people in the world who can help me during this crisis? /

are thereno people in the world to help me during this crisis?在这关键时刻难道就没有人能帮我一把?


句子包含主要句子成分 主语 谓语 和次要句子成分 表语 宾语 宾语补足语 按照动词的性质将英语简单句划分为以下五种基本句型 3 例句 jim is working very hard now 他现在正非常努力地工作。she is young.她年轻it looks like rain.天看上去要下雨...


1.主语 谓语 谓语为不及物动词 i laugh.he runs.2.主语 谓语 宾语 谓语为及物动词 she likes english.3.主语 谓语 表语 谓语为系动词 they look tired.we are students.英语句子成分讲解 一 主语 subject 句子说明的人或事...


在所有句子中,谓语动词是最重要的,一 主语 不及物动词 s vi the students work very hard.学生们学习很努力。the accident happened yesterday evening.事故是昨天晚上发生的。the teacher left.老师离开。二 主语 及物...