高考3500必备词汇巩固系列练习 19

发布 2021-05-22 17:07:28 阅读 8981


day 73


1. hearing that the food price was在**), the old man __起身) to his feet and began to convey his anger to the society.

2. she describe it粗略地). while a young men was抢夺) her handbag, she ran the __冒险) of injuring herself to hold it firmly.

3. don’t risk作弊) in the exam. you will


4. -what角色) did you play in the film?

---a俄罗斯统治者) who was对人无礼) many people.

5. the __屋顶) of these __排) of famous houses毁灭了).

6. he翻身) and给腾地方) me.

7. my日常事务) includes赶) the buses旋转不息地) and receiving telephones.

8. i踫见) an old friend, telling me that the city was成了废墟) after the earthquake, with a lot of垃圾遍及四周).

9. i总是) to get up early, but sometimes i撞上) my boss when i was late for work.

10从长远来看), we’d better s**e for the future instead of用完) all the income.

day 74


1. she was难过) for her mother’s being very ill suddenly使她悲伤的是), her father was out.

2. she was惊恐得要死) at first, but she managed to send her mother to the hospital and救了她的命). she came back home平安地).

3. those水手) will起航) for sydney on星期六). h**e you ever去航海)?

4. these男售货员) are putting up some second-hand cars待售). their工资) are paid by the cars they’ve sold while policemen receive their工资) every month from the government.

5. every monday we are gathering to敬礼) the national flag行注目礼).

6. i was对满意) those三明治) with色拉) you had prepared. i ate them满意地).

7俗话说), it’s better __说) than done.

8. the thief was caught在现场也就是说), he failed.

9. sorry to lose your watch. i h**e to buyone __与……一样) you lent me.

maybe i lost it在沙滩上).

10. your job is not very令人满意的), but thank you还是).

day 75


1. schools in china include小学中学) and大学). most are公立) schools while many are __私立) ones.

2. some同校同学) are top students who win奖学金) every year and want to be科学家) on自然科学).

3. the学者) didn’t come to the lecture按时间表) and was斥责) for keeping so many people waiting.

4. football fans rushed大量地…score) to watch the football game. the japanese women football team得了五分) and finally获得成功score…).

5. look at the屏幕大量的a sea of) seagulls are flying在海中寻找) fish for food.

6. the customs were寻找) drugs and were搜查) everybody’s luggage.

7. he asked me to就座seat), so i went over and took就座).

while坐) there, a stranger came to h**e a talk with me.

8. the秘书负责see to) everything in this部门).

9一……就the second) you tell me the exact task i’ll do it马上in a second).

10. i __看了) these *****s but i promised to保密).

day 76


1. the thief企图seek) to run away, but the policeman抓住他的手臂).

2. he好象) to be对事认真) his job. actually he takes everything认真地).

3自私的) people are对……敏感) everything很少) will they think of others.

4. in九月), reference books很畅销). students say some books are卖光) easily.

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