高考3500必备词汇巩固系列练习 17

发布 2021-05-22 17:11:28 阅读 7868


day 65根据提示完成下列句子(pond---powerful)1. i’m富有) vocabulary, but i’m贫乏) pronunciation.2流行) singer jay chou is为……所喜欢) young people.

3多少) is the人口) of quanzhou?

--sorry, but i know that shishi有人口) 300,000.4. he对采取积极的态度) his job, so he担任职务)ofmanager.

twoyearslater,he失业了)because he占有) a large sum of public money.5. nowadays, the地位) of women has become much高) than before.

6. everybody should坚守岗位), for有可能…possibility) for anything urgent to happen any 邮局)andsentquiteafew明信片通过邮寄). the邮费) was free.

8. i推迟去) to the town, for a he**y rain倾盆而下)and flooded the roads.9.

tears of幸福流下来) susan’s cheeks.10. everybody对有控制权) to control himself while naturaldisasters are力所未及).

day 66根据提示完成下列句子(practical---pride)熟能生巧)”,andi练习弹) the piano a lot. she高度赞扬我).更喜欢)宁愿) to do a lot of math exercises而不愿) recite chinese texts.

3. several days ago, the teachers在准备) the reviewing exercises while thestudents在作准备) the exam is over and they say they已经有准备) to make a choice among their f**orite universities.4.

the leaders出席) boao economy forum are talking about the当前的) economic situation. each of them is given chinese paintings as礼物).5至今为止), much wet land hasn’t been保护免受破坏).

6. he was elected总裁) of fujian education出版社总裁) is learned and kindhearted.7.

nowadays we are在压力下) the rising**).8. i don’t逼迫你回答), but don’t假装) know the 阻止)thesepoisonousdrinksfrom进入)themarket不惜任何代价).

10. don’t be too骄傲) yourself, for nobody likes骄傲).

day 67根据提示完成下列句子(primary---psychology)1原则上), news*****s are印刷中) at 到监狱)toseetheirsonyesterdaybecausehewas被投进监狱). he在坐牢) for two 被奖励)for解决)somedifficult行业问题).已经获利)of0.

5billionyuanby生产) many

f**orite产品).遵守诺言)fori’ve取得很快进步) in english.6.

he有可能promise) to be a mayor, for he never不守诺言).在保护下)提供足够的食物).8.

his experience证明有用), which证明) his 省) are有前途的).适当地发音).good发音)makes good 68根据提示完成下列句子(pub---quiz)跟某人争吵)others___因)smallthings公开地).

排队)infrontofthe出版社).when it was his turn, he took out his钱包) and抽出) 500yuan and bought相当多) 使停下)hiscarwhenthelightturnedred,sohewas惩罚) for breaking the traffic the law. i know he would not do it故意).

4带着…的目的)attractingthegirl’sattention,theyoungman挂起)asignreading“iloveyou”.butthegirlcouldn’t忍受) it.5.

he was still迷惑) when he was推倒) to the roadside6. it is质量) not数量) that matters most.7.

it is不可能…question) to重归于好).十分)tired,sohe辞职毫无疑问地).9.

i’m sorry the meeting had to推迟) for somebody提出) a new proposal.10. the震动) caused much damage to the金字塔) in egypt.


key to day 651. rich in, poor in

2. popular, popular with/among

3. what, population, has a population of

8. postponed going, poured down

9. happiness, poured down

10. has the power,beyond our power

key to day 661. practice makes perfect, practiced playing, sang high praise for me

2. h**e a preference for,prefer,ratherthan


5. up to the present, preserved from being destroyed

6. president, press,thepresident

getting into, at any price

10. proud of, pride

key to day 671. in principle, in print

2. went to the prison, thrown into prison, has been in prison

3. wasawarded,settling,professional,problems

provided with enough food

8. proves useful, proves

9. provinces, promising

pronounced, pronunciation

key to day 681. h**e a quarrel with, over, in public

2. join a queue, publishing house, purse, pulled out, quitea few

3. pull up, punished, on purpose

4. with the purpose of, put up, put up with5. puzzled, pushed over

6. quality, quantity

7. out of the question, make up a quarrel

quitted his job, out of question

9. be put off, put forward

10. quake, pyramids

高考3500必备词汇巩固系列练习 22

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