高考3500必备词汇巩固系列练习 24

发布 2021-05-22 17:10:28 阅读 4149


day 93


1. it’s不能确定) whether it will rain or not. you’d better take an雨伞).

2. without computer, i am not能够) to work. if it doesn’t work, it’s难以置信的).

3. sometimes i le**e my mobile phone at home, ****** me feel不舒服的). when i want to call someone, it’s more无法忍受的).

4地铁) line 1 is在建设中) in fuzhou now, but many people are未察觉到) any danger.

5. it’s丑陋的) and不公平的) to cheat in the exam. those names should be划线).

6. my叔叔) has a good理解) of the task he is承担). in other words, there is no work he is不适合) to do.

7. the police should be in**) at work, which is显而易见under one’s eye).

8很不幸), the联合国) can’t settle all the arguments.

9团结) is power, so we should团结) as one.

10. i will go to beijing大学除非) i am not good enough.

day 94


1. the不同寻常的) film didn’t begin直到) 7:30.

after it was over, we waited直到) my friend came by car.

2. we’ll be out if we are不情愿) to更新) our knowledge.

3. it’s取决于) you to decide when to go to the art exhibition.

4. upon/on收到) your紧急的) letter, i felt不安的). i催促) my parents让我去) to see you at once.

5. the flat楼上) was on fire. i催促) that the firefighters来) quickly to put it out immediately.

6. i以前常常) do something没用的), but i didn’t mean to使烦恼) my parents.

7. i习惯了起床) at 6:40 so it’s没用叫醒) me up earlier than that.

8. these bottles and cans are of没用没用out of use), but they can被用来做) into some works of art.

9. yes, we can把……利用起来) something that is not有用的).

10. old用户) of the broadband internet need to pay照例) this year and the networks are much faster比平常).

day 95


1. i度假) in gansu and xinjiang this summer. the风景) i saw in the desert were很有价值的).

i also visited各种各样的) raw乡村) with lots of friendly and lovely村民).

2. we had planned to hike in some大山) and河谷) on teacher’s day and the mid-autumn festival, but徒劳) because there were lessons.

3. i估价) the old花瓶) for 1 million yuan. three years ago it was 500,000 yuan在价值上).

but love and family are of更有价值).

4. i like蔬菜) such as马铃薯番茄) and胡萝卜), but i don’t like洋葱).

5. this is the恰好的交通车辆) the police are looking for.

6. some newly-made可视**) are在展出中). we can see the images通过) their**).

7. many people fell/became牺牲品) the earthquake.

8鉴于) the quality of the副班长), i think he is honest and faithful.

9. we should战胜) ourselves.

10. maybe you are对某事不明确vague about) this醋). it is有效) for only one year.

day 96


1. it’s said that the famous singer li shuangjiang’s son向某人**) the guard and was caught by the police for违反了法律).

2. -which musical instrument do you like best钢琴小提琴) or吉他)?

---i like拉小提琴) and hope to be a小提琴家).

3. my english teacher is a man有美德). we often拜访) to him.

4. mr. yee often uses可视的) aids in teaching english词汇) and asks us to read them in或at高声地), which is极为重要vital) english study.

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