高考3500必备词汇巩固系列练习 13

发布 2021-05-22 17:09:28 阅读 6459


day 49


1. as a新闻记者) in __日本), he should learn to speak in日语)

2. it’s still cold in一月), but in六月) and七月), it’s有几分) hot.

3. he参加) the army two year ago. that is to say, he参加) the army for two years.

4. -don’t play开玩笑) others, especially don’t make开玩笑) such a honest小孩).

--no, i was only开玩笑).

5使人高兴的是从…来看) the smile on his face, he保持了记录).

6. don’t以貌取人). all need to h**e正义感).

7. he is年少) to me. in other words, i am年长) to him.

8. if you want to跟上) others, you must不断工作), which is always牢记在心头).

9. i did it只是纯粹出于好意).

10坚持做), and you can find the的答案) the problem.

day 50


1. the school was moved out of downtown as数量) of students had grown too多).

2不了解) traffic regulations, the old man was撞倒) when he was闲逛) in the street.

3. it was so dark inside that he撞上) a tree and then撞翻) a vase.

4. nowadays体力劳动者缺乏) mental劳动) can probably过穷生活).

5. for缺乏) strong skill at hand, he下岗) finally, so he was determined to become有学问的人).

6. the后一架) plane came迟到) but it was the最后一个安全着陆).

7在过去的几年里), great changes发生了) in china.

8. by working hard, he has学会) three语言), including法语德语) and俄语).

9. on元宵节), he寄希望于) becoming a律师).

10. when he imitated some领导) saying “all citizens are equal法律面前)”,everyone放声大笑).

day 51


1. he一点也不not…least) like to排队等候).

2. with his driving执照忘带), it was不合法) to drive.

3. i came here not to教训你), but给你上课).

4说真话), she使我失望). she can’t speak chinese well更不用说) english.

5. don’t遗漏) this字母) in this word.

6. she说谎) to be ill and told me she was still躺) in bed. actually, she was充满活力).

she was说谎).

7. the闪电照亮) the courtyard将**) his famous car.

8. i don’t想要) keeping the secret. instead, i愿意) to share it with you.

9. it’s可能的) to限制) myself to three cups of beer a day.

10. the reason存在于) two aspects, but personally, this kind of light is closely有联系) skin cancer.

day 52


1. if you drop垃圾) in the no乱丢杂物) area, there will be fine.

2. i’m不是一点点) tired, but i’m一点也不) hungry.

3. he is so有生气的) that he never辜负) his parents’ expectation.

4大量的load) pictures can be上传) or**) from the internet.

5. i渴望long把看成) others as my best friends and to be赞赏look up to).

6. i期望有) good生活条件).

7. he is always沉湎于lose) playing computer games终日地), ****** him遭受重大损失).

8. he decided to弥补损失逐渐地).

9. he爱上) a beautiful girl, but he不走运).

10. when失意), be patient; when孤独), be happy.

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