高考3500必备词汇巩固系列练习 22

发布 2021-05-22 17:05:28 阅读 8525


day 85


1. this超市) is占优势) that one.

2. the international red cross is提供食品和药品) the people in libya

3. most people are被期望) to be支持。support…) the new government.

4使我吃惊的是), only twelve people幸免于难) the fire.

5. please确保) that you make me work in pleasant环境).

6. he is肯定) to be惊讶) at the令人吃惊的) news.

7. finding himself被包围) by a group girls, the boy was in出汗).

8. students on duty should do several daily things such as cleaning the blackboard扫除) the floor and关掉) the light

9. chinese dragon is the象征) of china.

10. we同情) the weakness of our体系) of education.

day 86


1. father doesn’t allow us to talk在吃饭时), but he allows us to talk在桌旁) after meals.

2. we tried to find a table for seven, but they were all占用). we managed to说服老板) placing another big one for us.

3. the medicine was被当作) candy and it was not合乎我的口味).

4. the old china was接管) by the chinese communist party and by far it呈现出新面貌).

5别急/慢慢干). you很有眼光) and you are sure to完成任务).

6. bill’s too perfect examination *****使take) mr. wang吃惊) .

he hated to be欺骗). he取回) his ***** to h**e a look again and给了bill一个教训).

7. on教师节), all the teachers were still给我们上课). we were感动得我们流泪).

8合作) benefits us a lot, so we should learn to与他人合作).

9. now going to work on foot已经取代了乘出租车).

10. she撕开) the letter and began to read it. while reading, she突然放声大哭) and把信撕成碎片).

day 87


1. it’s agreed that科学技术) is the first productive force.

2. for us十几岁的青少年), it’s not good to说谎). instead, we should说实话).

sometimes lies and truth are hard to区别).

3. i量体温) of my child. he did发高烧), which吓死) me greatly.

he was sent to hospital and was护理) carefully.

4十分之四) of the students h**e a趋势) towards fatness.

5从长远来看), practice is better than课本).

6就……而言**任期), putin experienced two.

7. a sudden令人害怕的) face turned up and i was screaming惊恐地).

8. -what’s the noise?

---oh, i forgot to tell you. the new machine正在检测).

9刚) had the exam begun就) my brain was blank.

10幸亏) your help, i managed it也就是说), i got the job. i was really感谢) to you.

day 88


1. students are studying in a big but noisy classroom in school. at home他们) h**e他们的) own studies他们的) are quiet and makes他们自己) concentrate on books.

2贼) and强盗) are hateful and偷窃行为) and强盗行为) are被认为很不好).

3. for一方面), lots of land is缺水的), for另一方面), many people are letting water running.

4. it so happened that i was三十几岁在三十年代).

5. when we were十三岁), i was the第三名) in class while jack was just第十三名) and kate was第三十名).

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