高考3500必备词汇巩固系列练习 16

发布 2021-05-22 17:08:28 阅读 7614


day 61


1. we should不遗余力) to与时俱进).

2. when shopping was done in the supermarket, the food items包装) with plastic was carefully打包).

3. yesterday i费力) to climb to the top of the 15-storeyed building. when i was going downstairs, i fell, hurting my legs疼痛地).

i did感觉疼痛) in my left leg. it was really痛苦的) to come to the ground.

4. most画家特别) like油画。

颐和园). these油画) sell well.

5. at the sight of the test试卷), i进入恐慌状态) and my mind went blank, but i tried to force myself not to惊慌).

6. please因……宽恕我) getting a ticket, for i couldn’t find a停车场) to停) my car. i had to choose a corner of the street, but i had no good luck.

7. on holidays, i took my父母亲) to巴黎). we visited公园), had a talk to some鹦鹉) and参加) some interesting games.

8. i扮演很多重要角色) in many联欢会).

9. she was对挑剔) almost everything, so i分手) her.

10. i chose these伙伴部分) because they were honest and able.

day 62


1. he传) a precious painting给) his son, hoping he could把传给) after he去世).

2. the游客的护照) was picked up by a过路人) in the走廊). he thanked a lot.

3以前), people seldom申请专利).

4. be对某人有耐心病人). nurses can’t失去耐心不耐烦) does great harm.

5. be和平相处) between classmates, ****** a和平的)world.

6. if you提前支付这台个人电脑), you can h**e百分之二十) off the price.

7. all your hard work will得到回报) in the future.

8. 80 percent of the books已经) sold, and 10 percent of the money __是) yours.

9. a large比例) of the farmer-workers live in the coastal cities. they履行职责) well and are完全适合) their jobs.

10. as常言所说熟能生巧).

day 63


1. if you want to照相) here, you should请求允许). nobody is允许做) anything未经允许).

2. i want to give him a**亲自), but he didn’t接**).

3就我而言内科医生们) and物理学家们) also need a体检) once a year and体操) every day, which are good to their health.

4. i h**e learned to弹钢琴) for two years, but i still can’t在钢琴的伴奏下演唱) as beautifully as the

钢琴家).5. i h**e学习pick…) some knowledge of the computer by watching others.

6. last sunday we去野餐). we野餐) in a mountainous village.

it was遗憾) that i carelessly摔碎) the bowls成为碎片) in the野餐).

7. i同情) her because someone扒窃) while shopping真遗憾)

8. we should挑出) some useful things from这堆垃圾).

9吃了这片药), and find a枕头) to lie on, then you will be all right.

10. there is no pity for these先锋飞行员). they are great.

day 64


1起初), we should制定计划降低环境污染的程度).

2. something terrible发生) yesterday, as two

化工厂) g**e out有毒的) gases, which greatly污染) the air.

3塑料起重要的作用) in our daily life.

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