
发布 2021-05-22 11:23:28 阅读 9072

1. n. [c]机器,机械:thisis worked by electricity.

2. adj. (常与with, at连用)生气的;愤怒的:the director gotat me because i forgot my lines.

3. n. [c]杂志:how often does thiscome out?

4. n.[u]邮政;邮件:we got loads of this morning.

5. n. [c]邮筒;邮箱:there is ajust down the street.

6. adj.主要的:here are theevents in today’s news again.

7. adj. 较大的;较多的;主要的 there h**en’t been anyproblems.

8. n.大多数;大部分:theof students were [was] indifferent to the political meeting.

9. v.管理,处理,支配:hethe supermarket when the owner was away.

10. n.[c]经理:he asked to see the

11. n. [c](做事的)方法,方式;风格,文体:why are you talking in such a strange ?

12. adj.许多的:there are toomistakes in this essay.

13. n.[c]地图:you can find it in [on] the

14. n.[u]行进,行军:the soldiers went past at the .

15. [c]痕迹;标志;符号:we followed thethat the car had left in the grass.

16. n.[c]市场,集市广场:there is ain the town every wednesday.

17. n. [c,u]结婚;婚姻,婚姻生活:mywith mary is a happy one.

18. v. 结婚;娶;嫁:many people live together without getting

19. n.[c]团,块;众多,大量:there wereof dark clouds in the sky.

20. n. [c]比赛,火柴 v.和…匹敌,相配:i want a tie that willwith this suit.

21. n. [c,u]材料,原料;布料;资料,素材:plastic is a widely used

22. n.[u]数学:everyone in the class passed theexam.

23. n.[u]物质;物体:everything we can see and touch is made up of

24. n.[c,u]含义,意义:one word can h**e several

25. adv.与此同时,在此期间:they’ll be here soonwe’ll h**e some coffee.

26. [c]措施;办法:we must take the rightor we shall fail.

27. n. [u]食用肉类(不包括鱼肉、禽鸟肉):i am not fond of eating

28. adj. 医学的,医疗的,医术的:the doctor g**e him aexamination.

29. [u]医学:a person who wants to become a doctor has to study

30. 与…会晤;得到,碰到:experiments with the new drug h**esome success.

31. [c]会合;会晤:ourat the station was quite by chance.

32. n. [c]成员,会员are you aof the tennis club?

33. [c,u]回忆:i had happyof my school.

34. v.修理,修补:can youthe hole in my shirt?

35. adj.心理的;智力的:his problem isnot physical.

36. vt.提到,说到;写到:on the telephone, hethat he had been ill.

37. n.[c]菜单,菜谱:let’s see what is on thetoday.

38. n. [c]商人 adj.商业的,商人的:thedeals in silk goods.

39. adv.仅仅,只不过:they are notcontent to fill the stomach.

40. adj.欢乐的,欢快的,兴高采烈的:aexpression on her face

41. n.[c]消息,音信:there’s afor you from your cousin.

42. n. [c,u]金属 adj.金属制造的:is it made of wood or

43. n.[c]方法,办法:our teacher is showing us a newof writing.

44. n.[c]米,公尺:this tower is 30high.

45. n.[u]中午:they will le**e at

46. adj.中间的,**的:he planted roses in theof the garden.

47. n.[u]午夜;晚上12时:we use to go for aswim during the midsummer.

48. n.[c]英里:give him an inch and he will take a他会得寸进尺。

49. num.百万of hamburgers and french fries are eaten every year.

50. [c,u]智力,智慧;理解力:her little son has aof great capacity.

51. n.[c]大臣,部长:she is a private secretary to the

52. n.[c]分,分钟:it takes you 30to get to the airport.

53. n.[c]镜子:she looked at herself in the

54. 逃过;避开:i was lucky tothe traffic accident.

55. v.弄错;搞错;误会;误解:she doesn’t speak very clearly so iwhat she said.

56. v.调配,配制:his wifehim a hot drink.

57. [c]样式,型:the car industry’s always producing new

58. adj.现代的,近代的;现代化的;时髦的music was first developed in italy.

59. [u]财富doesn’t always bring happiness.

60. n. [c]猴子:the children enjoyed watching the animals, especially [particularly] the

61. n. [c](班级内的)班长:thewas assigned to take notes for the meeting.

62. n.[c]山,山脉:he likesscenery.

63. v.** n.[u]** [c]**案:he was accused of

64. adj.**的;爱好**的 n.[c]**片:they performed aplay.


1.经努力 到达,达到 after battling against the blizzard,we finally our destination.2.n.c 游戏,运动,比赛 football is an exciting 3.n.c 汽车间 房 库 he backed the car out ...


1.c 脸,面孔we saw many new on the first day of classes.2.c 事实,客观事实,真实事物 no decision will be made until we know all the 3.c 工厂 theiris located at the foot...


山东省高等教育自学考试。在校生实践课程 英语词汇学 考核考试大纲。本科目考核分综合考核和学习过程评价考核两部分。其中,综合考核占50 学习过程评价考核占50 一 学习过程评价部分考核大纲。1 学习过程评价的课程性质及课程设置的目的。本课程是我国高等教育自学考试英语语言文学专业的专业课,是培养和检验自...